Hardcore/Heavy Metal/D-Beat/NWOBHM/Punk/Sweden/320/2021 "D-Beat Chaos From a Swedish band who seem to be having an identity crisis and thinking they’re Japanese. Paranoid play some maniacal stuff that merges the blitzkrieg punk of Discharge, Anti-Cimex with lashings of primitive metal and ultra-distorted noise. Beneath the howls, brain-razing static and wildly flailing solos are actual, honest-to-god songs, meaning this WILL have you destroying everything in your path...(Collective Zine)" 1. 前兆 (Zenchou) 2. 負の連鎖 (Fu no Rensa) 3. 暗殺者 (Ansatsusya) 4. 決闘裁判 (Kettou Saiban) 5. 忠誠の種 (Chuusei no Tane) 6. 予感 (Yokan) 01:26 7. 歪んだ現実 (Yuganda Genjitsu) 8. 将軍 (Shougun) 9. 狼狽の壁 (Roubai no Kabe) 10. 無防備な叫び声 (Muboubina Sakebigoe) 偏執症者 (Paranoid) 偏執症者 (Paranoid) 偏執症者 - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives 偏執症者 (Paranoid) - MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL 85.86 MB file on MEGA WDfiles — файлообменник бесплатный - загрузить файл DOWNLOAD LINK Login or register to view download link (it's free!) External download. Please report any broken link by posting a reply to this thread.