Yeah I was waiting for somebody to talk about this, its a shame because they were a good band to listen to. Not the hardest punk band in the...
San Diego- Inland Empire Naked Aggression Unit F abject narcoleptic youth systematic abuse fithy fuks ready steady go the coltranes armored...
Union Made, and Against Me! before they started sucking and dissing all they once stood for.
I'd try Flobots you would like them, only they are. like Immortal Technique communists. :good:
Yeah I would have hoped somebody would say that. truly " Nuff Said."
At this point I wonder if you are strongly grounded in you're independent beliefs. That is to say somebody who can compromise easily( because I...
Red and Black all the way man!!! :D I dont think Ive met another anarcho communist here yet.
Re: What are you currently reading? Why a Harry Potter book may I ask, alittle bit of light reading?
However cliche this post may be I want to know what you think. I think about this a lot, because lets face it I'm an animal, and who the hell...
I don't see what's so dumb about it, is it just the fact that its a profane statement? Besides what can be dumber than what this jerk off was saying.
Fuck guns, and fuck killing, and as for running for parliament congrats, you think you'll change change something; pshhh you'll just turn into...
Yeah probably something I would say myself......just one of those things. As soon as I saw the 8 threads I was like, now I am officially going to...
real sorry bro, my computer flipred a bitch, not at all intentional
I'm from the inland Empire I lived in San Diego( North County) for 2 years, and Lake Elsinore( IE ) but now I live In Temecula also in the Inland...
One of my personal heroes, what is your opinion of him?
Very true however it is very evident the government does not want the public to know, nor give the anarcho-syndicalists credit for this amazing...
Yeah man sounds like a cool concept, and the pilot couldn't be more true in some cases. :blahblah:
I don't know I was partly joking but its some crazy shit that this country owes all the social reform in the workplace almost entirely to...
Don't they have those electric ones, it's worth looking into maybe if it's costing you so much. I heard however that there is some controversy...
I don't know If anybody else seriously contemplated this,, but check this essay I have been writing( early stages so try and read pass the errors)...
I don't know If anybody else seriously contemplated this, but I could be seriously assassinated for this information, considering how our lot is...
No Noam Chomsky?
I have to admit i moshed with my jacket with spikes on it( they are not totally sharp they are flat on the tips) but I felt bad about it cuz i was...
I have used them four times and encountered no such trouble, i have bought shirts, the transfers are pretty good( except my caustic christ shirt...
I honestly thing crust punks the way to go, I mean sure they don't have everything, but they are definitely smaller than Angry young and poor as...
fucking nazis! i hate em all
well heres a few hots of my current vest [img] [img] one side is caustic christ on the other is reagan youth, ss kaliert, and anti flag [img]...
well heres a few hots of my current vest <br/> <a...
did not know that,fucking awesome!!
dystopia!!! good fucking band
I love perekele I gotttaaaa heaart full of pride!!!! skin anthem
oh and heres my url man add me cuz i can add you,
North county, unfortunately I'm only 17.
Re: What kinda guitar gear do you use? !50 watt crate combo ( crybaby wah, death metal distortion) guitar is a used fender mexican strat that...
More like Dave O reilly. Do you live in the area?
Anarchist-Marxist I believe anarchist communes are the way to go.
How do i get connected with them. I live in san diego and want to see shows but I dont know where to go.
17 felt like once since I was a kid. My dad was alway spouting liberal beliefs and politics. It was just kind of part of my life. I remember in...
Anybody live in southern california and would be interested in doing some protest in front of gas stations and educating people what Chevron...
Its a great idea if you want to bastardize the works of Marx and call it Stalinism. If we do some of these things were no better than Fascists. I...
I agree with that to an extent. Yes there have always been fads, but never such a fascination with suicide, with such a heavy integration into are...
It's kind of a double contradiction, you can't stop people from following a religion, but at the same time organization of that kind will not go...
I honestly think suicide is something man has always been fascinated by, the ultimate question is there something on the other side. Either way...