Re: FUCK THIS GIRL. As much as i could need that money, if i would find her i think i'd prefer just throwing her in a river, or any horribly...
Good to hear there are more vegans (or almost :P) in Holland! So far i've only heard rumours that there are supposed to be a few more out there...
Right now i don't have either job nor a real place to live, less enjoyable then i thought i might be... So i'm working on upgrading my CV/resume...
I think maybe you should start by reading up on vegetarianism and veganism a bit cos you seem to be a bit confused to what it means... All though...
Thanks for the info, all i've seen in the news here is about how some protesters dressed in black set fire to police cars and how the politicians...
Eh, apparently not, all due to a hand that the night before got broken and plastered...
At the moment i am probably most annoying to people in my surroundings because of how i can not shut the fuck up about a certain someone... People...
Everything is good, we had just missed eachother somehow looking at the same places... But i found him and am there now :)
Very nice! Is it possible to make it so you can just press enter to submit? Once again my screen is making improvements less improving then...
I hope it's a missunderstanding... That's why i didn't just find a way back home. I'll send a PM but if anyone would perhaps have his number maybe...
Yes he was. Don't know why he wasn't there and i don't have his number so i checked in at hostel room rotterdam. Hoping to not have to stay here...
Anyone anywhere in the Netherlands willing to help me out? I'm stranded in Rotterdam unable to reach anyone... I'll try to find places where i can...
A: Not possible. Q: How do you feel today?
A: That depends on if you're Dutch or not. Q:Why did i hurt my knee today?
Yeah i'm just lucky now that i got reminded of them, the zombie threat is after all what we need to focus on.
A: No one cares, that's a stupid fucking question, from a stupid fucking song. Blah. New question needed! Q:How is a raven like a writing desk?
Oh you're right, i didn't think about the zombies... lol
Diesel is made from oil and it takes millions of years to make oil so no , there won't always be diesel. I didn't say that all motor wehicles...
You're weird. (That was a compliment)
Hell yes. For environmental reasons. Just like airplanes. Get a bike; not highly lethal, not ruining the planet and gives you some excercise.
You sure learn something new every day and here i wake up at three in the morning with an anxiety attack, sit my ass down by the comp and get to...
This does... :P
Yeah i'm not gonna say "go ahead and kill all you want" either, though i think in some communes slaughtering for food will most likely occur....
I never said there are humane ways to kill and i am all against killing but this topic is about guns and anarchist society and since not all...
That sounds strange but i believe you, if that works there would be no need for guns for that either. I just hope it's also less stressful and...
I don't understand any french but i did understand something about it only being watchable from Canada :( Would imagine the headsmashing isn't...
I had a two week internship at a slaughterhouse in '97 so i've seen my share, there they used guns. I grew up on a farm and saw slaughtering of...
What method are they using to make then unconcious? Don't mean to be annoying, just want to know :P
Usually they don't use guns but bolt driving guns, wich has on occations in sweden been used to kill humans as well. Then there are halal butchery...
Whoa! That's beyond insane! Who at an age of 13 can really grasp the concepsts and consequences of this? I would suspect that most who do this do...
While i'm definately against everyone walking around with a gun and i'm vegan so i don't see a need for eating meat at all, i don't follow this...
Hemp!!! Huge fields of hemp. It can be used for close to everything; you can make fabric of it, ropes, super nutricious oil, paper, eat the seeds...
If not god, then maybe johnny rotten..? :P
True, true. Was just hoping there might be something good coming out of all this horrors somehow. Not that it feels very possible.
This is so horrible, hopefully it can at least open people's eyes to how this isn't only a problem to imigrants and anti fascists but to everyone.
That sucks! Sounds like there's not much to do about it either. Laws are formed in favour for the bosses...
Sad to say? Nuh, more for the few there are of us! ;)
I know! No shame here...
But it's supposed to be made in layers of different colors, right? Then it will be visible.
Wow that sucks! At least we don't have any campus to live on so i don't have room mates to rat me out. I've heard people say i've changed a lot...
It's a folkhögskola, a sort of public school without any grades, not very fancy but more for preparing for higher art educations. Can't be kicked...
Damn, you were an asshole! Glad to see you've understood you were and changed it, that gives some hope for humanity...
Haha yeah well if i get more questions about my blank canvas then i want to answer i can always tell them that's what it is XD
Welcome! No hate for you liking the pistols but i'm sure you will find a lot of other and better music here :D
Welcome! I'm not from there but hello anyway :)
Welcome Martyn! Hope you'll like it here :)
Woohoo! :D That's great! If we don't do those little things, we can't expect the big ones to ever come about.
Welcome! Don't worry about the english, lots of us doesn't speak english as a first language (me included) so we're used to it :)
This is a very interesting subject to me, i'm also an artist working with stencils among other things and i too want to make art available to...
That is now again? Feels like it always is. That, the olympics, and world championship soccer and hockey. They should just have it all at once and...