I'm into dsbm and black metal as a whole
well by now they're physically crusty so...
well currently I'm considering trying out the crust lifestyle (freight hopping, dumpster diving, etc.) too pussy to run away from home though
ugh where i live people are just like "stop making this an issue of race" and "not all cops are like that, only a very small portion of them are"
Does anyone have anything by the band FILTH besides their demos or live recordings?
JCHC :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Well, I guess if you can have "unblack metal" then you can make anything christian.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/raou94 ... stus_(Full) Track LIst: 1.Søvn 2.Reincarnation of Nocturnal Melancholy 3.Funeral of Children...
If BSDMBM isn't a thing… that should be a thing.
This is my DSBM band Collapse of Christus http://collapseofchristus.bandcamp.com/
"Saying that everyone who buys things from corporations is a capitalist is like saying everyone who drives a Volkswagen beetle is a nazi, or that...
What the fuck?! Why do Crass hate their fans so much?
I told someone once that I liked crust punk and he asked "You mean like Sum 41?" :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
"Never ever wash them and wear them every day :D" Seriously, I haven't worn a different pair of pants in like a year.
Extreme Noise Terror Framtid (early) Doom Massgrave Ramlord Disterror to name a few...
Does anyone have a WORKING link to his hero is gone - monument to thieves? (and please not from uloz.to, that site hates me for some reason)
Care to explain how saving sentient animals from horrible abuse and murder in the name of vivisection (not science) and meat is "ideologically...
I totally support the ALF, but I prefer the direct action of Earth First! as apposed to the ELF.
Thats a pretty big generalization considering the fact that there are billions of metal bands from around the world playing a vast variety of...
http://www.ulozto.net/xZ9a51s/sore-thro ... t-care-rar
Does anyone have the Sore Throat album "And We Don't Care"?
Who wants to pay 20k for something you could make yourself for ten bucks? [Snare head - $10, Stencil - free(make it yourself w/ cardboard and...
Oi Polloi - Let the Boots do the Talking Aus Rotten - Fuck Nazi Sympathy Nausea - Smash Racism Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off Leftover Crack...
Re: T-Shirts for sale you should have patches and pins
Check out Xasthur. Doesn't sound much like Dystopia, but the subject matter is the same. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKiM1aQgf58 Lyrics: All...
Yours are sick as well. love the hand stenciled patches!
Does anyone else on here make these? http://s1156.photobucket.com/user/MoGod ... sort=3&o=1
Does anyone have the Amebix documentary? It was deleted off youtube and now i can't find it anywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LImtYrdhZc...
Just rolls right off the tongue.
Add: Berserk Contravene Toxic Narcotic His Hero Is Gone Tragedy Skarp Corrupt Leaders Skitsystem Man is the Bastard Cop Problem Fleas and Lice...
There is no communicating with the racially prejudiced.
This describes my views pretty well: http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ ... lution.pdf
I dress in a typical "crust" style, but I think of myself more as an individual since I pretty much make it all myself.
They sure love their Darkthrone…
I'm like a teenage version of this guy: [img] but with a safety pin that a friend stuck through my ear.
Do they have thrift stores there?
Besides going on this site, what do you do in your free time?
Awesome! Thanks! :)
I am looking for a full album by Massgrave. Does anybody have any Massgrave albums to post?
I got a rage album from a flea market once...
It uses the same animation style.
Welcome to the community Savi!
Check out these scenes from "Waking Life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVZ_lLUIIyU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJXspT2VtOE
I am actually on this forum, and it's so full of shit. They have this weird hierarchy about the number of posts you make (I am a "Hot Topic Punk"...