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N. Korea..... WTF!

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Sick Boy 77, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Yes but don't you think your government would prioritize politicians in a situation like that? Who do you think they bought all that tamiflu and vaccines for when there was an outbreak of swineflu? The citizens? Hah..
    North Korea has no way to make money=can't feed people=feed politicians and people in higher ranks whenever the get the chance. The elite is more important than the people no matter where you live.

    Haha, yeah but they also tend to do what they threaten to do, which is really really bad. They're a bigger threat to humanity than all the dictatorships in the world combined, probably. And more will die.
    And @ungovernable, of course, but it doesn't really seem like its going to work that way. I really doubt that the old party members are going to change their minds about pressing the button if they really have to. We'll see how it goes though. At least people are finally starting to see the cold war was far from over, and hopefully also how much bullshit propaganda they're fed on both sides.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    The US government or should i say the economic interest of those who pull the strings on the president and whatever the US Government does, will always prioritize economic expansion and control of economies over people, here, there or wherever the fuck...

    The USA does not give a fuck about the North Korean people, but only the possibility of opening up North Korea to Coca-Cola and McDonalds, cuz when people have the ability to choose witch capitalist multy national corporation to work for, thats when people are truly free, and the North Korean people will realize how free they are under Neo-Liberalism/North Korea 2013 style, and the number of deaths (of N. Koreans) that will occur when the US and N.korea take this project on, will not be on our TV's or National Papers, but we will see cute reports on how N.Koreans are adjusting to iPods, McDonalds and Justin Bieber...

    So whats on the table??

    1. Give North Korea a bunch of money or whatever Kim Jong-un wants, which will probably be cheeper then going to war with N. Korea.

    2. And if the US goes to war, are we looking at that which is always mentioned...



    And what would go down if the US went to war with North Korea?? Im hearing it would be long and bloody like the Korean war (1950–1953) where the US lost around 36,516 or the Vietnam War (1955–1975) where the USA lost around 153,303, and putting into account modern techno war maybe the casualties would be 3-5 time higher, the US would win (technically) after years, how many years?? any ones guess, it'll take years and a lot of dead mericans (maybe 1/4 to 1/2 million)

    So its probably cheaper to try and get Justin Bieber to play a nation wide tours in N. Korea and introduce them to Coca Cola...

    I don't hear TV Media playing the drums of war in the U$A for this here episode as they were, along with politicians, playing the drums of war and talking about going to war with Iran...

    But any way what do i know?? Im just THEBLACKNOVA :ecouteurs:
  3. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    of course the government is first always greedy assholes... :ecouteurs:
  4. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    That why I find it so funny that people actually believe they have some sort of meaning to their own governments, as opposed to the poor north koreans that are basically being treated as badly as we would in a situation like that.
    The party members are pretty hardcore though, I really think it would take a lot for them to really open up for that. I think at best they would try the same thing china is doing, but they kinda lost their last shots at investing abroad now. I think even Germany stopped whatever banking projects they had with North Korea. They are completely cut off from our wonderful "free market", and naturally they spend most of their budget on their military(still not the country that spends most though).

    Haha yeah, thats the(ir) problem I guess. I guess the only reason they would consider bringing down Dear Leader is for tactical purposes, after North Korea there aren`t that many commies left in the world, especially not potentially dangerous ones.
    Oh joy, maybe they`d let him bring his monkey this time!

    Yeah, probably because they can`t reach the us. Imagine if they`d actually be in war themselves, I really wonder how they would handle that.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    People in the USA freak the fuck out when violence goes against them...

    Break a window at a protest and even the lefties freak out...

    Remember 911? and the bombs that went off in Boston this week?? but fuck they drop bombs like it was nothing...

    I wonder what the cost will be to buy off N. Korea in the end???

  6. Sick Boy 77

    Sick Boy 77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Mar 29, 2010
    After reading the last few post I gotta say, and with some guilt, that I am hoping it does come down to MDC (Millions of Dead Cows) and corporate soda. No blood shed and the world keep goin' around. I hate that I put MDC but I just wanted to use the acronym from one of my favorite bands. And what it does boil down to is the money and fame. I think this young and dumb leader of N. Korea is seeing the bill roles and knowing his country is very close to being third world shit, he knows he needs them. If we and other countries pay him off he would maybe, and that is a very small maybe, put the money into helping the country's economy out. He wouldn't admit it but tout the fact that we had to pay him off to stop such a big war. Some of you have to remember that it is not 1955 or '75 anymore. The U.S. and other major economies out there have more advanced weapons and N. Korea is still in 1990 with theirs. A war would cripple them and would not be very pretty on their side of it. Nor ours but theirs would look like a countrywide slaughter house. The other side would look like a small mouse trap. Don't forget that drones do a lot of the fighting these days and while we might need to send personal over there it wouldn't do Young and Dumb Kim good to put his fear mongered people in a war. Who's to say that they wouldn't turn against him in the name of some "real" freedom. They could be force fed all the propaganda the government has, but when you look at the big picture and they have a chance to get rid of this horrible dictator they might bite the bullet and say enough is enough. I might just be hopeful in saying that but I've seen it happen. Look at Libya and Syria. Horrible dictatorships and the people said enough is enough. The one good thing about what happened is that we [The USA] didn't have to start them [the revolutions]. The people started them themselves. The difference with N. Korea is that they are not afraid to kill one of their own citizens in the blink on an eye. If someone does manage to get across the border to the South and the government finds out they through the persons entire family in a concentration camp like prison with no hope of ever getting out.
  7. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    I really don`t think its so much about money, he`s not exactly holding his people hostage and demanding a pay for their release. Like our governments, he couldn`t care less if the unimportant citizens died. You might get mentioned on TV if its a mass-killing, but you wouldn`t be a big loss to them. N.K. are just not giving in to the western worlds demands, which is opening up and start selling shitty products and Justin Bieber merch(as mentioned above). I mean this is coming from the same people that actually believe that the elections in Venezuela have been rigged for the last, what, 4 years? Just because a so-called "left populist" party(they don`t like saying socialist/communist anymore) keeps winning.
    There is a big difference in Libya and Syria, and that is the people demanding this so-called freedom we have(as you said). The North Koreans aren`t as happy about the US and the western world as some might be in the Middle-East. The ones that are, are probably busy surviving on one up of rice a day.
    Its really amazing how people here don`t think their governments would kill them in the blink of an eye if they started a true revolt, and a little funny the picture we get of North Korea in the western media. Its like with africa, most people think they sit around starving in the deserts there. The situation in North Korea is very bad, yes, but most likely not the worst in the world. You have to remember the things we see and hear are extremely biased. Again, not defending them, just saying you and I aren`t much better off when it comes to freedom and being force-fed with propaganda.
  8. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    off topic :these last days mainstream media have been freaking out because of the boston propaganda they have spreaded shitty lies about maybe its the taliban who is behind the bombings everything the mainstream media can cover leaks out now they accuse everyone with a black bagpack to be a suspect and stuff, but anyways here we go again on the racist train choo choo :/

    topic: as Nlcpw explained earlier i think that he's right the communist dream is a lie, i know alot of commies IRL(alot of leninists and marxists),
    All of the revolutions made by these so called socialists have been made into a full fledged millitary police state, what ive seen that the leaders don't follow what they preach: that they are for the people take Hugo Chavez Venezuelas poor have been fed with propaganda while his government has been corrupted and he lives a luxery life but the people don't hear it because of all the propaganda his family owns like fucking many farms and a estate his family are treated likes kings and anyone who gives chavez critque are thrown into prison even some of the commies of venezuela thinks his a dictator , much like Tito and Stalin and the Kims and lenin ( after the russian revolution and the mass murders of anarchists), they all share the same thing they all live luxery and they all are bloody rich and selfish! corrupted by power and greed.
  9. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    Who the fuck really cares about whether or not North-Korea has missiles able to reach the USA? I don't. And here's why:

    Any government, flying a democratic flag or not, uses oppressive techniques to help "Moloch". This is not necessarily a coordinated or even planned process, it "is because it was". So there is no fundamental difference between many, if not all, states/countries/nations, because there is no true freedom. And no, having your people have "more freedom" doesn't make your country better or should give you any perks. Just because you starve all your subjects doesn't make you worse than starving only a group that is defined as "poor".

    Who the fuck are we, the oppressed people from western society, unable to make a real change in over 100 years, to discuss what some country can or shouldn't do? And to speak of liberation of their people? That must be the biggest joke of all. It is better to life and die oppressed, and fully aware this is the case, than to live a life that uses false freedom to sedate you. Most of you seem to have told yourselves that living in the US is not the best, but at least you have some freedom and therefor you are better of than in some third world country. Wake up. That is an opiate. It sedates, but you are living a lie.

    I think Geck0's proposal, to just look at the people, and ignore the politics, is a sound approach. Many posting here seem to be led by some nationalistic principle, but we are all oppressed people - that is our paradox. So we need to ignore the "political reality" and do what is right, from a truly "we are all equal" perspective. Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and the travelers, take care of the wounded and provide peace to the dying.
  10. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Let me ask you this then, these people have been supressed for what now, over 50 years or what, the proposal i think they want the most is the option to have direct democracy and not a exactly model of the USA but if the us goes to war it will end like that that they will get their fake democracy where cooperaitions and rich people control their country and Geck0 is not the only one with proposal that we have to look at the people, human rights organistations do aswell but one thing is for sure we can't help them until this stalinist dictatorship has been destroyed but the real thing is how can that happen without the us of as interference now that is something we could discuss,

    I'm a pacifist as long as a stalinist like Kim jong un kills innocent people, so i don't think this conflict will end peacefully.

    But i agree let us concentrate on the whole "we are all equal" because we all are in a international perspective all suppressed.
  11. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Exactly my point.
    And I actually meant that I don`t believe the elections in Venezuela were rigged, but I get what you mean though.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Organize self-defense and self-offense (aka attack) \m/
  13. Harrison

    Harrison Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 11, 2009
    NK could put like 2 missiles on an inconspicuous barge, float it close to US, launch them up into the atmosphere and EMP the the whole country. Would destroy infrastructure completely. Supposedly it's the only way a non-superpower country could knock out the US.
    Obviously pretty unlikely, not really a concern. Just saying they could if they reaaaallly tried.
  14. Geck0)))

    Geck0))) Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    Poor north Korea, those people don't even get to choose between brave new world or 1984, even that gets decided for them by somebody else :/