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new anarchy

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by punksnskins, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. punksnskins

    punksnskins Member New Member




    Mar 29, 2011
    OK so i saw this thing about how everything in nature has a mathematical formula and that no mater how disorderly it seemed to be it had some sort of order or pattern so i thought to myself hey if nature has a pattern then that means no anarchy if the governments are taken down, so i thought that that the "anarchy" that we want is actually still to bring down the artificial order and revert to the natural order. so anarchy is not to get rid of all systems just the artificial ones.

    tell me what you think

  2. nike

    nike Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 19, 2011
    first i would say that not everything in nature is explainable/describable via a mathematical formula - they only work with natural science.
    you can analyze a living being chemically and describe physical matter with physics - but how do you describe 24 hours of perception, interaction, relations or behaviour in general? there are not many standards but an infiniteness of influences - not to mention the problem of subjectivity/objectivity of perception - so how should we formulate kinda "natural law".
    analogies between "us" and animals don't work - ants aren't busy, bees not hard working - and unlike us, they don't have much choice about how to do things.
    many philosophers tried hard to watch nature and get behind the natural order looking for a moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority - but for me it's not very convincing to take the little we see from the constantly changing big picture and scratch something like a "truth" together from scraps and bits.
    we can watch cause and effect, evaluate the results and decide about right or wrong, constructive or destructive - and make a decision.
    if authority and egoism get destructive in state and (state)capitalism the obvious solution is the abolition of authority and power, capitalism and planned economy - but we should be very careful trying to derive absolute "truths" from something still too abstract to be really understood.
  3. punksnskins

    punksnskins Member New Member




    Mar 29, 2011
    Your right but what i was trying to say is that things in nature have a pattern/order and there is a formula for it called fractals which when graphed shows the pattern which would be the natural order.
  4. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    perfect formula how I felt this morning after getting up:
  5. nike

    nike Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 19, 2011
    so you felt like a mountain? or just stoned? you have my sympathy... :ecouteurs:

    took some time 'till i remembered it, but theres an entertaining movie dealing with the problems of absolute truth in mathematics and natures tendency to follow apparent patterns which could be mistaken as "natural laws" - the oxford murders with john hurt, elijah woods and a great leonor watling - right, she sings with marlango:
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Oxford ... %28film%29
  6. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    making fun of an old man, eh, and you're lying without blushing...[​IMG]
  7. shabbashabba

    shabbashabba Member Forum Member




    Sep 19, 2011
    that's emma goldman. she would correct the idea that anarchism is opposed to systems be they institutional or natural or whatever - just the existing ones that keep people down.

    were we to enter into a socialist or anarchist society new systems would be created for the betterment of man rather than his downfall. this is to say that THE SYSTEM would be remodeled to give every person a say rather than just those who get off on power.