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Owning weapons

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by SurgeryXdisaster, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
    Haha im armed to the teeth with knives and nunchaku.

  2. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009
    I believe everyone has a right to defend themselves, and if they have to blow someones head off with a shotgun, they should be able to... in the right case of course. But yes i defend peoples rights to own weapons of any kind!!!!!
  3. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    I own a few antique weapons myself. I used to be heavily into martial arts, I still love 'em, but well... the intensity's died off a bit, along with my bank account, lol.
    I don't own a gun, but 2 small halberds, 1 WW-II bayonet, an African knife and sword (Congo and another country, can't remember) and a sword from Indonesia. Apart from that I own a pair of tonfa, an old crossbow (without the spring-thingamajig), a bokken, a tai-chisword (wooden), a quarterstaff, a pair of escrima-style sticks and a small collection of knives, mostly butterfly.
    Do I have the intent to use them? Hell no. Well except for the wooden ones, I do some minor training with them every now and then, but that's just interest and muscle-training (primarily grip and forearm).
    I also own a replica of a firestone-pistol, but the trigger is so shabby that it'd break if I even tried to use it if I could (the barrel is filled up).
    So yeah, you could say I'm armed to the teeth.
  4. Link K2B

    Link K2B Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 27, 2009
    Comin from the UK, I never really understood the American perspective on firearms until recently.

    I do understand the potentially positive sides to being armed, namely, being able to protect yourself from tyranny. I'd argue that they're more often used in offence, however, and I don't know if you can justify the right to owning one to protect yourself from corrupt governments considering the amount of innocent to relatively innocent people gettin shot dead.
  5. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
    Youre ready for the Zombie apocalypse
  6. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Actually I'm going to link to a post on another forum I frequent, it might interest you. http://warriorpages.ning.com/forum/topi ... 2#comments first post by SheepDog specifically. I do not know his sources however.

    Hell yeah, I live close to an archery club as well, there's a few axes in the garage, a chainsaw and pitchforks for the stables in the backyard XD
  7. Link K2B

    Link K2B Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 27, 2009
    Hmm it's interesting that it should be the case that crime rises in areas where guns are banned. We've never been a gun-toting nation, it's not in our culture. You can still legally own large guns without a licence btw, people still have rifles and shotguns. When I say people, I mean farmers. I imagine it's more of a shift in our culture that's bringin in increased crime, I personally doubt if gun control or freedoms is affecting it largely.
  8. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not pro-gun ownership, let me get that straight. I mean being a Dutchie you can't actually carry around a gun legally anyway, unless directly to or from a destination where the gun IS legal or an activity where it is (such as hunting, which paradoxically is legal on your own grounds).
    I'm pro-gun control, which means there's control of who owns a gun and why.
    It's been suggested that the seeming paradox of increased gun-ownership and decreased crime is related to the potential rise of the cost and potential decrease of the profit off of gun-related crime if more people own guns. But like I said, I know of only one source he's quoted and to me that doesn't make a definitive statement.
  9. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive been around guns all my life and im pretty safe and secure about it. Taken safety courses and shit. But to get permits to own guns legally in the US is ridiculously expensive (costs about 100 to 150 to have a permit for a handgun in New York). So i mean people who own guns should have a good handle on keeping them locked up and safe from children etc. Its just ashame when i see kids over here who just walk into their dads closet, take a gun and shoot someone. AND THEN BLAME IT ON SMOKING MARIJUANA
  10. NGNM85

    NGNM85 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009
    It has a lot to do with our culture, it goes much deeper. Yes, the fact that we were founded on a revolution only a little over 200 years ago is certainly part of it, but theres more to it. Ever since the colonists got here it was a constant expansion outward. This involved conflict with the natives, which, we, admittedly started, and people scrambling ever westward claiming land. The frontier, being on the edge, or beyond civilization was a way of life for many people. So, firearms have a very personal significance to many Americans. Especially in the rural south, where they farm and hunt. The South also has a bit of a collective paranoid persecution complex that's left over from the civil war, which they still call "the war of northern aggression." (Even though they started it.) So these things combine to form a sort of uniquely American fascination with firearms. Sadly the big gun nuts are mostly far right rednecks.
    I know you guys have a north/south cultural devide, but I've never understood it.
  11. Link K2B

    Link K2B Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 27, 2009
    The UK has huge divides aye. There is a north / south divide in England but also parts of NI want to break off and join Ireland, parts of Scotland, Cornwall and Wales want independence, the Isle of Mann sort of has independence, we have varying currencies you can't use in different regions, highly varying accents and dialects, few gaelic languages chucked in, ancient resentments between different tribes and regions and old wars and local grudges. Makes for a good laugh overall though I wouldn't recommend tryin to wrap your heid round it ;)

    The firearm fixation makes sense when you explain it like that. Culture's a funny thing init.
  12. GFSM

    GFSM Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 25, 2009
    the americans didn't invent firearms. and judging by how their forces use them in other countries, they're hopeless in using them, and their fascination is like a teenage boys is with titties. i don't carry a gun, but i have a fake one i stand over people with when needed. i am trained in ken (sword) and jo (quarterstaff) but naturally usually use taijutsu (body tech). my mind is the most powerful weapon in my arsenal however.
  13. rE sIs Tanz

    rE sIs Tanz Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 27, 2009
    Wow! I really like this one..
    Where in Melbourne are you? I've been there in 2000 and lived there for about 11 months.

    My point of view on weapons? If you're in the battle you have the right to possess the same weapons as the enemy and even to exceed them in their technological feasibility. But not to use it actually but to bring them down.
    And to be a bit realistic about the current situation in the arms industry, it is pure insanity...
    This whole babbling on conflicts about so called conflict of ideologies and ethnic group conflicts etc. and the war for freedom and democracy of the Imperial Forces is just some bullshit!
    This industry is in possession of insane people who just can't get enough rich and have common interests with those insane Zionists who want to reign and control the whole fuckin world.
    And I believe the only way to stop those inhuman creatures to keep going to poisen the world with their existence is to kill them; there is no other way! You have to kidnap some of the bosses of the corporations, torture them, kill them and record this and broadcast it! And so force the whole fuckin world to start with the disarmament process.
    It sounds a bit crazy, I know.... :ecouteurs:
  14. GFSM

    GFSM Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 25, 2009
    i live in melbourne, literally.

    as far as kidnap, torture, well... that's been done before, by pretty much everyone. broadcasting it has become a recent fad with some folks. but media is easy to manipulate, and so it will often be used by any party for their own gain, rather than whatever the hell it's original intent was.

    i doubt it would solve much. hasn't seemed to in the past.

    the corporate monsters are consumed by greed. this will be their downfall. they've built an economy on a finite set of resources. the system will eat itself, quite literally. no need for joe blow to get a camera and a set of pliers and start entertaining the more sadistic of the youtube generation.
  15. thoreau_me_a_bone

    thoreau_me_a_bone Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 29, 2009
    An armed society is a polite society. Gun control is the first step in genocide.
  16. rE sIs Tanz

    rE sIs Tanz Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 27, 2009
    Well, I still would love it to give it a try....nothing to lose actually.
    And you're right about the publishing thing, stupid idead. You should send the video directly to the office of president Obama and Peres and all the fuckin rest...

    cheers :ecouteurs:

    p.s.: I was doing some research a while ago, who was producing what where how and how much and does sell it to whom how and for how much. it was a link linked to cia, i'd had to go through my emails to find it, sent it to someone; whatever, what was very interesting was that a book consisting of about 50-60 pages costs about 8000 $ (if i am not remembering the amount wrong). including official reports of each country, which companies produce what and sell it for how much etc.
    Even the "promotion" is very very expensive...A very elite and very high class business seems like...
    Sorry, but I just feel like blowing off all their fuckin brains with the "coolest" gun they have produced recently....
  17. BlinkoChrist

    BlinkoChrist Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 1, 2009
    It just brings us back to the main problem with anarchism, or any movement. Guns are bad, we know this. Yet we blame our owning guns, off of other peoples owning guns. So, by owning guns, aren't we in effect becoming exactly like everybody else?
  18. Rabbit

    Rabbit Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 26, 2009
    The first part of this statement is fine. Yes, the people in the arms industry are pathologically greedy individuals.

    What the hell are you talking about with Zionism? Your statement turns completely moronic once you get to the end. Zionism is by definition Jewish nationalism. Nothing more and nothing less. They want no more control of the group than any other national group. What you're referencing here is something called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It comes from late 19th century Russia when there was a wave of anti-Semitism. It is a false belief that Jews are trying to control the world. It was adapted from a statement that claimed that the French had the same objective.

    Please, keep this anti-Semitic garbage out of here. There is no need to bring racism into this.

    You realize what the videos of terrorists beheading people do, right? They justify the other side's arguments. They are exactly why conflicts between the West and the Middle East are allowed to continue. They scare people into voting for those that they think will make them safe.

    Yeah. It really does sound crazy. And if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . .
  19. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009
    -You realize what the videos of terrorists beheading people do, right? They justify the other side's arguments. They are exactly why conflicts between the West and the Middle East are allowed to continue. They scare people into voting for those that they think will make them safe.-

    Ok, so lets not kidnap and torture world leaders, big ceo's etc. etc. and just stand outside there buildings and yell at them, that will make them change their mind. I dont mind violence against those people because they inflict it on so many others. THEIR actions justify our means. But hey i guess im a little violent. Comparing us hurting them to terrorists is NOT the same because they kill innocent civilians in the name of religion. Big executives and shit are not innocent.
  20. Rabbit

    Rabbit Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 26, 2009
    It's just not practical. It will push the public to more authoritarian leaders who won't let such things happen. Violence in and of itself will not change anything. You have to change minds first. Dead CEOs would be satisfying to a few people but terrifying to most. In order to change the system, you must attack the system, not those who gain by it. They won't give up their money because you killed some of them. You need a massive movement against the system. The individual that you kill will always be replaced by another.

    Regardless of the fact that you're placing yourself in judgment of a whole group of people, whether it's justified or not isn't nearly as important as whether it is effective or not. Such an act would be a declaration of war with the system. And let me tell you, it's not a war that anarchists could win right now.