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Homophobia in the Punk Scene (Total Wreck)

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by Carcass, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. Rhube

    Rhube Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 5, 2010
    I'm a gay, and I'm letting you know I got beef.
    We're everywhere, you know. You speak of us like we wouldn't be on this website.
    I've already posted that I think it's offensive, and that it pisses me off. So has Queerpunk.

    ANYWAY, just a side note here:
    Everyone's taking this really personally and saying that they have a right to listen to what they want and shit.
    It's an informative post to let people know that these people have said these things and if you don't like it, don't support them in any way.
    If you don't care, you don't have to.
    It may have been worded in a "don't do this" kind of way, but that's all it was saying. Don't support it if you don't agree with it.
    This has turned in to a massive debate on the actual words used, and freedom of speech and stuff.
    I agree: I support freedom of speech. HOWEVER, if I don't agree with the things you say, I won't support you. But I'll still say you have a right to say it. In the same way that I don't support the Salvation Army because they've been terrible to queer employees, and donate money to anti-gay marriage groups and shit. They can do whatever the fuck they want, but I'm not gonna give them money if I don't like it. I don't know if that makes any sense, but all I'm saying is that I won't support a group that does, or says something I am offended by, or don't like.
  2. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 47 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    people who are saying this is no big deal and apetty arguement are being lame, if this wasnt a big deal to some of us, there wouldn't be 7 pages arguing about it.
  3. gilk

    gilk Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 23, 2010
    ^ i agree with you (DIRECTED AT THE GAY DUDE WHO POSTED). but some of these fools don't understand what free speech is and think anyone who preaches hate should be silenced. get a fucking grip man. so they said something you don't like, BOO HOO. you don't have to listen to them or watch them. and i remember somebody said "well what if somebody was up in your face callin u gay, would u like it?" Uh no i wouldn't but i would do something about it, like leave, or fight them, rather then posting online about how my feelings got hurt because someone said some words i didn't like. that isnt fucking punk. thats fucking GAY you faggots.
  4. Rhube

    Rhube Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 5, 2010
    Because obviously being gay isn't punk, you guys.

    Is it really neccessary to use that kind of hateful language, though? You're not being ironic. We've had a seven page arguement about whether that's offensive or not, and whether you agree or not, that was a dick move.
    Dick. move.
  5. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
  6. gilk

    gilk Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 23, 2010
    it doesn't mean homosexual brother. at this point it can be considered just an insult, like plantsfeel said. and idk why i have to explain it. its 2010. we change words meanings by how we use them, watch in the dictionary in 10 years. even in leftover crack's song "gay rude boys" they say "so get down with the fag rock steady beat". it offends you but MOST gay people it wont offend. if you dont like it don't read my posts. i mean if I SERIOUSLY, LEGITIMATELY offended you i dont know what to say. you must not watch tv because gay and fag is just slang for dick moves and shit like that.

    sorry i offended you but i didn't mean to and i was just using a shock tactic. i dont care if you all think im homophobic because i know im not.
  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Don't care at this point if your homophobic or not, now I just think your a bigmouthed piece of shit apologist who understands absolutely nothing about Anarchy and doesn't care about anything but his own opinion.....

    "you must not watch tv because gay and fag is just slang for dick moves and shit like that."

    And a fuckin moron too......:ecouteurs:
  8. gilk

    gilk Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 23, 2010
    i meant to say go outside. i suppose its not as common in the adult world but in high school its the main insult used. a faggot is just someone you dislike.

    and im a libertarian who believes in free speech and no censorship so yeah. didn't think an anarchy site would look down on those values but the more ya know
  9. scrappydoo

    scrappydoo New Member New Member




    Apr 29, 2010
    Wa. Wa.
  10. rude-boy

    rude-boy Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 12, 2010
    wa wa.. thats all you got for ur first post...
  11. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 47 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    that is absolute bullshit logic. If everyone says nigger it must be ok too right? If everyone says heeb or kyke, it must be ok then right? especially since high school kids are saying it. Your feeble excuse at justification is pathetic at this point. You've been told why users here don't appreciate it yet you still use it, and are now calling people faggots. Are you trying to get banned from this site? Because you are doing a good job motivating this mod of that. (not for your justification or belief that you should be able to use the word, but when you start using it in a knowingly offensive way after you have been asked countless times not too.)
  12. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    Smear The Fear by Limp Wrist

    Little boys games putting up a front
    Just an excuse to lie on eachother
    What a stunt
    Locker room peepshow for soaped
    up boys
    Just throw in the towel
    & make some noise

    Together we car smear the F.E.A.R
    Let´s can this shit fear
    What´s up with all the phobias & FEARS
    Don´t overlook the guy next to you
    He might really care
    No need for a game to touch a
    mans ass
    Just call your buddy over &
    make the pass

    Together we can smear THE FEAR
    Let´s can this shit FEAR

    Punk ass queers by Limp Wrist

    yeah, we're the freaks in town
    creepy horny queens with our
    rhinestone crowns
    won't wed for the church or state
    we're punk ass queers normalcy is
    what we hate

    military gays what a bore
    don't guinea pig me for your fucked up wars
    log cabin queens, stuffy conservative shit
    in the spirit of stonewall queens
    we'll put and end to it

    T.V. shows abercrombie gays galore
    showing to the straight world
    we ain't weird no more
    fuck all this pity me shit
    bring on the drag kings with
    their big fake dicks
    i'll hang with hustlers, leather boys, and punks
    i'm not down with this normal world junk
  13. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009

    You stupid motherfucking poser idiot, go fuck yourself and get the fuck out of here!

    (If you found that a bit offensive you're just silly and overly sensitive, cos everyone knows what it means is "You seem like a very nice guy, i think you should treat yourself to a nice piece of apple pie with vanilla icecream on the side at a lovely little café.")
  14. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    Oh shit it does now?!

    Hey Anom, you stupid motherfucking poser idiot, go fuck yourself and get the fuck out of here! Hopefully you will enjoy the dessert and I heard the little cafe is supposed to be really good and somewhat cheap. =)
  15. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    You have right to freedom of thought, and freedom of speech, but you DO NOT have that right to harm other people. If while exorcising the former you cause the latter, your right is lost. It's you that don't fucking understand the right to freedom of speech. It's as fucking stupid as saying that cos I got a right to food and shelter, I therefore got a right to murder and steal to get it.
  16. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    Ok, if I could just add my voice on this one, yeah, ban the fucking morons. People like this part of any anarchist community I part of, they be out, and if that meant I got kick the shit out of them, drag them, and pollute the earth with their sad excuse for blood, so be it. No, I aint got to be gay, female or black to respect someone for what they are. This aint prejudice, they a fucking stain on humanity, a disease that should be wiped out, by whatever method it takes.
  17. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 47 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    Yeah i don't agree with your philosophy on this one. I don't see how being violent towards a homophobe will make you any better then they are, or change the minds of homophobes, if anything it will probably reinforce their beliefs.
  18. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    Well, sure I angry; violence when all else fails. Minimum force required. If it can be talked out, fine, but it has to be wiped out.
  19. drfaustxxx

    drfaustxxx Active Member Forum Member




    May 1, 2010
    Yeah dude what the hell the problem is that its gone its original meaning that it has become a common phrase is the issue. I do like some bands that use homophobic slurs but when they use them it is as a statement about the word itself not to insult something. When a band gets on stage and says to tons of people that bigotry is find because the word has "changed" they are simply being more ignorant.

    When you've had a knife pulled on you a block from your house while being called a fag maybe you would feel different.
  20. ripitupva

    ripitupva New Member New Member




    May 9, 2010
    you are all p.c. faggots. grow the fuck up. total wreck rips and are not homophobes. i have multiple gay friends and they all think this is retarded and hilarious that you have made a huge deal about this. you dudes should probably get a life instead of sucking gay dudes dicks cus they are taking care of that themselves. also most gay people ive met are total badasses.