That's how to start a meaningless and totally avoidable fight that can lead to injury and possibly the early ending of a show. If you want to join a mosh pit while wearing a jacket with spikes, why not get a god damn shotgun while you're at it?
I have to admit i moshed with my jacket with spikes on it( they are not totally sharp they are flat on the tips) but I felt bad about it cuz i was getting slammed pretty hard and it was a packed show in the end i have to say i hate packed pit i get claustrophobic, i like local show pits.
Why would one put spikes on their jacket if they knew they could be a danger to those around them? Not trying to be an asshat, just curious.
Just like being in any sort of busy area, I think that common sense and politeness would tell you not to wear something that could be dangerous to the people around you. I've been to gigs where they wouldn't let you in with spikes on your jacket.
with an attitude like that, why are you even on an anarcho punk website? You obviously have no care for other people, only for yourself.
No not at all just expressing my sexual preference but hey whatever you're into fine with me. I just wouldn't like some giant sweaty hairy naked dude pressing his scrotum against my forehead as he's mosing in the pit...
ya local shows are my faves that's all i really go to the venue i often go to has big band come down like agnostic front im fixing to see MDC
Yeah local intimate gigs are great. I went to see a band here in a local town hall. I reckon there was about 150 people absolutely crammed in. The atmosphere was electric and the energy was extremely high
Holy shit, a guy(?) with a sexual preferance for fit women! That's strange, never heard of them before I wouldn't much like any sweaty genitals pressed against my forehead tbh. Guess naked moshing just ain't for me... Very nice that you're fine with whatever i'm into btw, even tho it's mostly not women at all
oh, and if it didn't really seem like it, i'm perfectly fine with you prefering fit women. You may like whatever you want, i don't mind
I'm a pacifist i don't want to hurt anybody and i agree with several you you all it was a stupid question i was just asking because i have moshed with people in spikes and I've never seen anybody get hurt by them but i have been in pits where people got pretty fucked up
chill out man im from florida and here if you have a spiked jacket you wear it in the pit everyone does it nobody ever gets hurt
Well for all of us not from Florida, we do get hurt. Not everyone who goes to shows is big and able to take a hit. I"m 5' 7 and 113lbs, when i get hit it hurts a lot. maybe it doesn't bother you, but think of other people.
I (a heterosexual male) for one think that a mosh pit occupied by nude men would be hilarious and certainly a bonding experience