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10yr Old Tazered By Cops

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Just_Say_Cunt, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. Carcass

    Carcass Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    Because there are enough violent racists living in Martinsville to make it unsafe. I feel bad for the town because the truly violent or openly racist people are a minority, but they're not a marginalized minority by any stretch. After September 11th, I remember reading a letter to the editor by the assistant chief of police complaining that these attacks were due to our over-accomodation of Buddhists, Hindus and queers and that we should, "put 'em all on a boat and sink it."

    Here's a little bit more info: http://sundown.afro.illinois.edu/sundow ... php?id=898
  2. Carcass

    Carcass Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    Just dug up the letter from assistant chief of police, Dennis Nail. I don't think he still works for the Martinsville PD but, as far as I know, he was never disciplined in any way for this:

    "If some of the major networks can only show sympathy for the enemy, I might suggest they move their studios and equipment to the end of oblivion with the rest of the cave-dwelling rats that opened death's door to our countrymen on Sept. 11.

    Offended? I, too, am offended. ... It offends me when I have to give up prayer in school. Once again because it might upset Hadji Hindu or Buddy Buddha. I don't believe the founding fathers were either of these. They were Christian and believed in the one true God of the universe... .

    Talk about majority. When I look around and I see no Mosque, or fat bald guys with bowls in their laps. I see churches. I'm offended when I turn on a television show and without fail a queer is in the plot just like it's a natural thing. America put God in the closet and let the queers out.

    When the planes struck the twin towers I never heard anyone utter, 'Oh Ellen.' I heard a lot of 'Oh my God.' Now we want to pull God off the shelf, rub His head and expect a miracle.

    Offended? Well, get over it, because it's time the dog started wagging the tail. Let's not be led around by a minority of weirdoes and feel-gooders. I, for one, am tired of it."
  3. CrustyElmo666

    CrustyElmo666 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    Well I certainly hope this is a joke... Geez, what's with all the child animosity, how childish of you really ;)
    And for all those of you out there who don't like kids, just treat them like you would treat an adult as an equal, and try to teach them something positive and anarchistic rather then being overbearing... The over juvenilization of kids is a pretty powerful institutional weapon....

    anyway, talk about fucked upon a whole different level.... which raises the question... was he a little brown boy?

    so, hightail it back to that cool sophmore history teacher you had and who'se really to blame? THE SYSTEM dun dun duh :lmao:
  4. raindeer667

    raindeer667 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 10, 2009
    now that is bullshit. to all children hating fools. children are the future of the human race privileged or not!

    police brainwash and corruption shouldn't be acceptable, nor excessive force.
  5. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    Of cos it's a joke! I would never side with a cop! :p
    Oh yeah, and also cos i would never think it's right to do anything like that to a kid. Definately not.
    Yes, some kids can be very frustrating but i do like lots of them. I used to temp at kindergardens some years ago and i've studied some teaching for younger children, and no way would i have done so if i disliked kids. The kids i meet more then that they sit behind me on a train kicking my chair, i usually get along with real good, and i've had some very interesting discussions on society and religion with some of the kids where i live, all on their level and with very insightful responses from most of them.
  6. CrustyElmo666

    CrustyElmo666 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    Well of course I knew you were joking ( ha, right back at ya ) I was just using what you said to make a point in an albeit jokingly sort of way, I could just have easily quoted someone else...
  7. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    We are doomed...
    If we're gonna be led by all the little kids we're sooooo gonna die :(

    And it's not so much that I hate the KIDS.... I hate well.... interacting withém, until they're old enough to understand my sense of humour and don't start crying every time I open my big mouth
  8. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    Haha, ok, hard to know for sure here... :lmao:
  9. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    Nice, you almost fully derailed the thread =D

    I love kittens...

    But I do get what you are saying, many of these kind of sites have all of the negative stories and none of the positive.