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PunkDownload.com - New file hosting server for APN

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Anarcho-Punk.net, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. Anarcho-Punk.net

    Anarcho-Punk.net Experienced Member Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 7, 2009
    .  Canada

    Back in 2013, we teamed up with 3 other punk forums to create our own server serving as a reliable web hosting solution for the music album downloads shared by the members of the forums Anarcho-Punk.net and Pirate-Punk.net and two other online communities.

    Today, this server is hosting over 10,000 music album downloads available for free, making it the largest online collection of underground punk music. By making all this music available in one convenient place, we help punks from all over the world to discover new bands.

    Now that this platform has proven itself, the programmers of the tech team have completely redone and improved it to better integrate into the forum. It also got its own website at PunkDownload.com


    Exclusive to APN: 1-click album upload with automated copy of the tracks list to be posted on the forum.
    Just select the ZIP file to upload, and our system will automatically extract the tracks list with titles and cover images. The download link is automatically copied to the forum with the album info, without having to manually type the text.

    Members who regularly share albums are encouraged to use this new system which has many advantages over traditional file hosting services.


    The advantages of self-hosting vs Mediafire
    • No more dead links! Files are never deleted, so the download links never expire
    • No annoying commercial advertisement
    • No paid subscription bullsh*t
    • No waiting times or any limitations
    • Ultra-fast download - no speed limit
    • Security & Privacy Guarantee
    • Unique platform with custom made features
    • Made by punks, for punks - f*ck big businesses!
    The only rule: Please avoid mainstream bands released on corporate record labels - and no dodgy bands. This platform is intended for underground music.


    Members who upload at least 10 albums to the forum automatically gain access to the server. New members can also request access by providing examples of the albums they wish to upload. Uploaders get a special banner and red shadow under around their usernames.

    To upload a file, just create a new thread on the forum, and the upload form will be displayed on the page.


    The forum now has its own MP3 player which allows you to listen to an album in streaming without having to download the file. You can also use the player on mobile phones.



    The album cover images are now displayed directly on the forum (the system gets the image in the ZIP). Thumbnails are also visible in the discussion list and on the search results page.

    • All dead links are back online (files hosted by APN)
    • Improved albums suggestions at the bottom of the download page
    • Old downloads published in the last 10 years have been updated retroactively
    • Improved download speed
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Fixed many bugs in the forums


    Obviously, there are monthly web server bills associated with hosting several terabytes of music. All our servers and web development is funded by the activist cooperative No Gods No Masters. This is what has allowed this community to survive for 12 years, and to have a dedicated tech team creating exclusive features such as this 100% custom designed download system.

    Attached Files:

    ScheckyOnly and punkmar77 like this.

  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    The new system is being tested extensively by the members of Pirate-Punk.net ... a few bugs have been reported and the dev team is working on an update as we speak. A lot of time is being invested in this new platform (2 months of work) to make sure it's stable so we can use it for the next 10 years or so.

    We also have another major news announcement coming soon. This website is about to become even more awesome. Can't wait to share the details with you guys :D
    punkmar77 likes this.
  3. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada

    PunkDownload.com just got a new dedicated server! Two years after launching this project, it was time for PunkDownload to move on to a new server of its own. Members of our 3 forums have uploaded so many albums in the last 2 years that the hard disk of the server was completely full!

    Now with the new server, we got a 2TB dedicated hard drive which is currently used at only 15% of its capacity (compared to 85% on the old server). This will make sure that we have enough storage for a few years.

    All of the previously uploaded albums were migrated to the new server, you don't have anything to do. Please report any bugs you find.

    As always this new server is funded by No Gods No Masters Coop to which we are very thankful for their continued support since 2008.
    Spike one of many and Radio0650 like this.
  4. Radio0650

    Radio0650 Member Forum Member




    Nov 1, 2022
    Washington, United States  New Zealand
    Thanks for keeping all the music available!
  5. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Improved download page

    For those who don't want to download the full album, you can now click on each track individually to display a music player and download link.


    Also, the same music player already present on the forum is now also displayed on the PunkDownload landing page, if you want to play the full album


    Finally, the limit has been lowered even further now that the new server has more storage space. Only 5 music shares on the forum are required before having access to the upload on the server
  6. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    A bug has been fixed that caused an error when uploading an album in RAR format instead of ZIP

    Note, however, that the display of images and the music player is only supported for files in ZIP format.
    Spike one of many likes this.
  7. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Updates and bug fixes to file uploads:

    - New progress bar during uploads: now you can visually track the progress of your file upload

    - Simplified process, now you don't even have to click any button, just select the file, and Voilà!

    - We now use Dropzone for file upload with Drag&Drop support

    - Fixed a bug where the wrong file was given when uploading 2 different files with the same filename

    - We now add versioning numbers to filenames only when a file with the same name already exists, or else we keep the original filename

    - Only ZIP files are supported from now on - we have too many incompatibility issues with RAR format. Sorry!


    Ongoing issues:

    - The tech team is investigating an issue reported by forum members. For some unknown reason, the upload sometimes fails or is very slow. The new progress bar will help to understand what is happening in the backend during the upload process. Sometimes an upload could appear to fail, but in reality, it is just very slow. We are currently trying to speed up the server.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  8. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Nice! I'll revise my instruction video when I have the time! :)
    ungovernable likes this.
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Are any of you still having issues with the upload system?
    Like this error in a popup during the upload process:
    2 members of the Pirate Punk forum have been facing this issue for many months. The strange thing is that every time we test our end we aren't able to reproduce the issue. It's driving us nuts because there's no error in the logs, no hints, or anything we can track down.

    So at this point, we suspect it could be an issue with their internet connection. But the fact that 2 different members are getting the same error is weird. To confirm we need to check if this issue affect other forums or just Pirate Punk.

    I know some of you have been facing other issues (like the page not updating) but I'm wondering if you have ever seen this "0 code"

  10. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    I've only heard of "0 code" in the context of uploading files one time before and in that case it was a browser thing (they were able to send the file using a different browser). Never seen it on here though!
    ungovernable likes this.
  11. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    I've never encountered that error before.
    ungovernable likes this.
  12. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Thanks for the answer. This confirms what we suspected, this seems to be a problem specific to the user's internet connection. They both confirmed they use wifi to upload, so maybe there is a short network interruption that breaks the file transfer.

    Pirate-Punk.net uses the exact same upload system from PunkDownload.com, there is no difference in the way members upload the albums (the upload form is literally an integration of PunkDownload.com through an iframe)

    The 2 members from Pirate-Punk reported the error often showing up multiple times a day. So if it was a widespread issue with our upload system, logically you guys would have seen the error too. But it never showed up here.
  13. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    It's worth mentioning for others who read this that Wi-Fi is generally just fine to upload on (I used it for a couple of months, with no errors uploading, before going back to ethernet), but there can be short interruptions (caused by any one of a multitude of different things) and if this or something similar happens it's always best to try again when wired. It's almost as important of a step as rebooting. :)
    ungovernable likes this.
  14. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    I'm also using wifi.
  15. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Good news - the upload limit requirement to get access to PunkDownload server is gone. So now, everyone has access to the upload system, even if you're a new member or never uploaded an album before.

    Just make sure to respect the guidelines, NO copyrighted stuff from major labels.
    Rune and Spike one of many like this.
  16. TreyofToday

    TreyofToday Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    For those of us that have mediafire files, should we reupload to PunkDownload? I am referring to my old label's releases in particular, so there would be no copyright or millionaires involved.
    Spike one of many and Rune like this.
  17. AnarchoQueerPunk

    AnarchoQueerPunk Member Forum Member




    Upload your punk albums on PunkDownload and help us build the largest collection of underground punk music together! Resist the mainstream and corporate labels - let's keep it underground and real.
    Remember, no copyrighted stuff from major labels allowed, we're all about supporting the underground scene here. Let's keep it punk and DIY!
  18. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    NGNM Coop just bought a new server to replace Server 4 which hosts PunkDownload, because the disk was already almost full.

    The new server will be more powerful, and faster, and with double the storage capacity.

    However, the upload must be temporarily disabled during the migration, because otherwise the new files will not be transferred to the new server and will be lost.

    The migration should take about 48 hours and will start today or tomorrow.
  19. Ah yes.. the Banana Album

    Ah yes.. the Banana Album Member Forum Member




    Jun 27, 2024
    Earth  United States
    Rune likes this.
  20. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    The migration is now complete and it seems like everything went well. Upload was reactivated.

    The new server has 4TB of disk space so it should last for a while. Now let's fill it up with new uploads :)

    If you see anything strange please report it here and we will fix it asap

28 members have read this thread this month

  1. Radio0650
  2. Grim
  3. cesarandres
  4. skylark
  5. rejects
  6. Vier
  7. jjjaume
  8. Ⓐ//hug0//Ⓔ
  9. Maurizio
  10. BooneFromMidian
  11. Starfighter
  12. aint ashamed
  13. keijo
  14. randoodle46
  15. TEDBOB
  16. bok7lind
  17. MätMät
  18. TreyofToday
  19. NihilismPrevailed
  20. Vomitfartz
  21. ungovernable
  22. Charger Bullet
  23. Rune
  24. Spike one of many
  25. Ah yes.. the Banana Album
  26. bigblksun66
  27. rayzin
  28. pedrodalion