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Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Lunadimae, May 3, 2010.

  1. celadrel

    celadrel Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2020
    Île-de-France, France  France
    the real question is why we have to ask ourselves the question about sexuality. let's live there
    CalTheCrusty and Singe like this.
  2. CalTheCrusty

    CalTheCrusty New Member New Member




    gender exists to control people. gender isnt real. who you are attracted to should not be solely based on gender. homophobia is just sneaky sexism.
    HeavenHead and Starfighter like this.
  3. whaylee

    whaylee New Member New Member




    Nov 6, 2022
    Florida, United States  United States
    Homosexuality is for a matter of fact deviant and has been very typically condemned in most cultures independent of one another; that is a fact that has to be accepted. It has to be accepted that for most of history and in most of the world, people have found homosexual acts to be reprehensible, and that fact will not change anytime soon; not only the Christian right, but in most faiths (and honestly modern political ideologies) so I think the barest legality is all they really should ask for, since other people's opinions are not an infringement of their rights, and you can't legislate opinion and should certainly not legislate speech. Hope that helps.
    chapitoiitru likes this.
  4. pegleg_7600

    pegleg_7600 New Member New Member




    Mar 21, 2010
     United States
    Well gay people!
  5. pegleg_7600

    pegleg_7600 New Member New Member




    Mar 21, 2010
     United States
    Well, gay people! The United States Senate approved the same-sex marriage bill! It goes to the house next, where it will be voted in, then it goes to Biden's desk; which he will sign it. Then what? Y'all, my countrymen, you will have the same rights as I do without some Christian cunt, who most of the time is a closet molester trying to strip you of your human rights!
  6. One for the Resistance

    One for the Resistance Member New Member




    Oct 6, 2009
     United States
    Homosexuality is as good as any, let people love who they want. No need to harm others or impose anything, so let them be happy. Gay rights are human rights, end of story. Anti-homophobia and anti-sexism all the way. Live and let live comrades.agnst oppressive norms!
  7. Bones

    Bones Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 11, 2009
    Who gives a shit what history says? Homosexuality ain’t a genetic disorder; it’s just love, man. It’s 2024 and people still wanna throw shade on others for loving who they want? That's some weak-ass bullshit. Just let people be, love is love, and fuck the haters.
  8. Ah yes.. the Banana Album

    Ah yes.. the Banana Album Member New Member




    Jun 27, 2024
    Oregon, United States  United States
    I'm going to say this with as much respect & diginity possible, and humility; I hope as well. I do apologize if I do not come off as humble, but I'm tired of having to say a lot of these things. It's slightly baffling to me as a newcomer here that we're arguing about the validity of how people love in this anarchist forum. Perhaps its because I'm still new to anarchism, and that's something I'm not afraid to admit, but I was under the impression that being anarchist is standing in opposition against all forms of hiarchy and systems of opression. With that being said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having questions about the experiences of the lgbtq+ community and our history, because the more we learn from history, the clearer it is to understand exactly what we are fighting for. Free love, and a future where nobody is afraid to love; is something us queer folx have had to fight for since the beginning of time. Taking the time to understand where we are coming from and how to be equitable to and support eachother is essential in order to truly see each of our struggles for what they are which is human. If you are coming from a place of genuinely seeking to understand and learn about "homosexuality" and queer struggle, than this is a great discussion to have. There's no shame in not being familiar with something and seeking to understand said things, but there's no reason to denounce one's struggles only because they don't directly relate to you. What that may be is privelged thinking, which we all inevitablyfall into but it needs to be called out as for what it is. Hope that sums it up nicely
  9. chapitoiitru

    chapitoiitru Member Forum Member




    Jun 16, 2024
    Arizona, United States  United States
    Idk but I think the gay minority well deserve rights. The right to marry at least in any state. I do agree with One For The Resistance post as well. Idk in Phoenix Arizona a lot of punx aren't gay friendly tho. They forget that it don't just mean gay or homosexual punx. It seems it was just something to say for mi generation. It seems also hard for me to support because the gays in Phoenix really don't act right. But I do support gay marriage and I am against any form of gay bashing, I'll intervene.
    Rune likes this.
  10. berloga41

    berloga41 New Member New Member




    Oct 15, 2009
     Russian Federation
    the worst thing that can happen to a man is being called a fagot

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