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Anarcho Capitalism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by fafdus, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
    Killing the cop in your head is not enough, you have to decolonize your head as well.
    Rune likes this.
  2. NihilismPrevailed

    NihilismPrevailed Member Forum Member




    May 19, 2024
    Illinois, United States  United States
    Well unpopular opnion here but I am actually in favor of Anarcho-capitalism. I would advocate for a stateless society where the means of production are privately owned and economic transactions are conducted within a free market. This ideology combines the principles of anarchism, which opposes compulsory government and seeks voluntary cooperation, with capitalism, which supports private property and free markets.
    1. Private Ownership: Anarcho-capitalists argue that all means of production (land, factories, resources) should be privately owned. I believe that private ownership leads to more efficient and innovative use of resources compared to collective or state ownership.

    2. Free Markets: They advocate for free markets where prices, production, and distribution of goods are determined by voluntary exchanges between individuals and businesses without government intervention. I see the free market as the best mechanism for allocating resources efficiently and meeting individual needs.

    3. Wage Labour: In an anarcho-capitalist society, wage labor would still exist. Workers would sell their labor to employers in exchange for wages, and the terms of this exchange would be determined by mutual agreement between the worker and the employer.

    4. Non-Aggression Principle: Anarcho-capitalists adhere to the non-aggression principle (NAP), which asserts that aggression (defined as the initiation of force or coercion against individuals or their property) is inherently illegitimate. All interactions should be voluntary and free from coercion.

    5. Decentralization: Anarcho-capitalists prefer decentralized systems of governance. I envision a society where various services, including security, arbitration, and infrastructure, are provided by competing private enterprises rather than a centralized state.

    6. Role of Property and Capital Owners: Decisions regarding the allocation of resources and the distribution of the product of labor are made by property and capital owners. This can lead to significant economic disparities, but anarcho-capitalists argue that this is a natural outcome of voluntary transactions in a free market.

    7. Critique of State Intervention: Anarcho-capitalists are critical of state intervention in the economy. They argue that government actions, such as taxation, regulation, and redistribution, are forms of coercion that infringe on individual liberty and property rights.

    8. Voluntaryism: They advocate for a society based on voluntary interactions and contracts. In this view, all forms of social organization, including business relationships, communities, and charities, should be formed through voluntary agreement rather than through coercive state mechanisms.
    Anarcho-capitalism is a controversial and often criticized ideology. Critics argue that it can lead to significant inequalities and that the lack of a central authority might result in the exploitation of workers and the concentration of power in the hands of a few wealthy individuals. Proponents, however, believe that a truly free market, free from state intervention, would create a more prosperous and just society.
    While not a perfect system because people can definitely get greedy but when coupled with Individualist Anarchist ideals such as personal accountability and individual freedom it is a decent idea at least. Read a book by Josiah Warren the first American anarchist called "The Practical Anarchist", he advocated for equitable commerce and the sovereignty of the individual. I think he does a better job of touching on the subject than I do for sure.
    In essence it isn't a monetary system at all it's a "labor for labor" system. IE I fix your fridge, you bring me a deer, or rebuild my alternator, or create me a piece of art etc. As payment for my services and we agree on said services payment in advance. Wage labor can still exist, but not "I will pay you 7.25 an hour to cook hamburgers." It would be I need someone to cook hamburgers and I am offering 17$ an hour or something equal in trade for your time. You then can negotiate those terms, we meet on a agreement and a contract is made between both of us on common ground. It is far from exploitive IMO.
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  3. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Uuuuuh, you cannot preach/advocate for anarcho-capitalism here, mate. Capitalism is a no-no for us. I mean I guess you can state your opinion but leave it at that.
  4. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    This will be your only warning... Do NOT post pro-capitalist propaganda bullshit on this forum.

    This text is clearly written by ChatGPT it's lazy as fuck you can't even argue to defend your ideology on your own. It just shows how anarcho-capitalism doesn't make any sense.

    Anarcho-capitalism is just capitalism without the state. It doesn't change ANYTHING to social inequalities.

    Take for example private corporations. All of the biggest businesses in the world like Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Amazon, Facebook... They are all owned by shareholders. This is how the richest men in the world got rich. NOTHING would change in an anarcho-capitalist society. Those big corporations which represent like half of the US economy, they would still be owned by shareholders. Elon Musk would still be rich with his Tesla shares, and Bill Gates would still be rich with his Microsoft shares.

    There is no wealth redistribution in AnCap. It does nothing to address inequalities and class war. It's just another system that concentrates the wealth into the hands of a small minority of super-rich capitalists. The working class still gets exploited through wage slavery and struggles to pay its bills. Nothing significantly changes in the economy, expect on the government level.

    Rune likes this.
  5. fafdus

    fafdus New Member New Member




    Oct 31, 2023
    your moms house  United States
    Capitalism has its own form of regulatory system. You vote with your wallet.
    It also provides the possibility for anyone to rise to the occasion. Money provides freedom from oppression.

    One flaw could be the inability for someone to get money but this can be rectified by the community. Go fund me for example

  6. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    So 99% of the population isn't free. There, you said it.

    :'D:'D:'D:'D who knew the solution was so simple!? Let's just start a GoFundMe for the poor! All economic equalities are solved!

    The rich are so nice, they're just going to give away their wealth, and they're just waiting for a fundraiser for it! They didn't want to raise wages, they didn't want to give ownership to workers, they didn't want to donate their money, but hey if we start a GoFundMe maybe they will help! :'D:'D

    AnCaps are fucking clowns.

    Spike one of many and Rune like this.
  7. CrustAsFuck77

    CrustAsFuck77 Member Forum Member




    May 26, 2024
    Detroit, United States  United States
    Anarcho-Capitalism? More like a load of capitalist bullshit. What a joke. Doesn't do shit
    Rune likes this.
  8. Rune

    Rune Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 7, 2023
    Western Australia, Australia  Australia
    Not to mention it's just neo-feudalism under a different name.
  9. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
  10. Meia HardKore

    Meia HardKore Member New Member




    Dec 7, 2023
    Brazil  Brazil
    mate, this is only ancap bullshit, read Property Is Theft, please
    Rune likes this.

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