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Some thoughts/questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Raise Your Fist, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Raise Your Fist

    Raise Your Fist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 11, 2010
    So ive been thinking about shit all day and i have a few questions.

    If you arent old enough to drink alcohol, why are you old enough to die for your countries bullshit?

    Is it considered fascism to hate like, trends? i was being called a fascist for talking bad about scene kids
    and juggalos.

    Why do people say "anarchy is impossible"?

    i noticed almost every show on TV is trying to make cops look good (CSI, Law & Order, NCIS,etc)

    And what do you think of the movie Law Abiding Citizen? :)

  2. Bunny

    Bunny Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 13, 2010
    because the army/navy/etc wants to get to kids when they are young and will believe any bullshit. The same way people trick young kids into believing in god with stories like noah's ark, the armed forces trick teens into joining with false images of what army life is about and how strong you can be and how patriotic it is. They know its better to brainwash them young, while else would they have programs like rotc? Plus they see young adults as disposable, they would rather see a kid die then some general and there will always be more kids.

    Of course they want to make cops look good, those shows exist for a reason. they want people to believe that cops only do the right thing and don't abuse their position, and help people etc. The more people see of cops being friendly and brave the less likely they are to believe that cops abuse power and that we need to protect ourselves against them. Those shows are meant to keep people at bay and unquestioning.
  3. ryan1980

    ryan1980 Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 9, 2010
    1. Before 1984, the drinking age was 18 and up unttil a few years ago it was ok to drink on base (+18) if you were enlisted.

    2. No. I may have been considered rude.

    3. too many reason to list - but generally comes down to ignorance.

    4. You expected any different? But seriously,those are COP DRAMA type shows.

    5. awesome movie.
  4. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Because the government wants everyone they can to serve them and their violent needs like slaves so they don't have to, whilst simultaneously attempting to interrupt people's fun. Also I think the drinking age is to make people want to verify themselves and give their identities to the system in order to carry around an ID which is also just easier means to be identified. Keep them tracked and in line.

    It'd be fascist if you told them they had to be just like how you are for no apparent reason. It'd be ok to call them out on stupid shit they do as a trend, ie, hurting or causing other people harm, because anarchism does have authoritarian elements such as we do not tolerate mindless bigotry.

    Because they've grown up listening to state controlled propaganda in schools, in the media, etc. Of course the state tryies to teach everyone anarchism is evil, because it's a threat to their personal power. They have no understanding of anarchism other than it is the objection to external authority and heirarchy, and they are told from a young age that this is harmful and results in chaos. The system thrives by dividing us up, so they don't want people believing in equality. It's easy to indoctrinate things into peoples minds at a young age. They have no knowledge on the principles of the subject and how it's actually rational, beneficial, and organized.

    Read above, state indoctrination and propaganda, this time reared towards (young) adults, as their minds are already fragile on the subject. "You break the law, you go to jail, there's no escaping."

    Never seen it, would you recommend it?

    This are just my ideas. Of course they vary between people and later replies will probably get much deeper, I basically just skimmed the surface.
  5. Raise Your Fist

    Raise Your Fist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 11, 2010
    All of you guys pretty much summed up my thinking.
    You just put the words in order :)

    And jesuscrust, yes i would recommend it. Its definitely not an anarcho
    film, but it is so bad ass. Lots of judges and lawyers getting killed. :lmao:
  6. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Glad to help, and sounds good, I'll check it out.
  7. Raise Your Fist

    Raise Your Fist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 11, 2010
    I came to an obvious conclusion, but here it is anyway:

    It is NOT considered fascism to hate scenes, emos, juggalos, etc, because you can CHOOSE
    to be that any time you like, and its not even a movement at all. On the other hand,
    You cant just wake up one morning and say 'IM GOING TO BE
  8. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    watch THE SHIELD... this show makes cops look as bad as you can possibly imagine.
  9. saturninesky

    saturninesky Member Forum Member




    May 27, 2010
    Well, like someone else has stated, because when you're 18, you're a teenager, and teens are stupid, trust me, I am one :p They'll do anything you tell them to do. IDK if you guys care or not, but regardless, my dad was apart of the draft in the 70's and had seen kids get pretty much brainwashed. He was a bit older, in his early 20's and already had a strong dislike towards the military so luckily he didn't, haha.

    Because generally the same people saying it's impossible aren't quite sure what anarchy is or understand. Before I came to this forum to learn about it, I used to say the same thing, because I thought it meant not only no authority but zero rules and just rampant chaos.

    To make it seem like all cops are good people, everything they do is within good reason, etc. I have my dislike towards cops, but is it bad that I kinda enjoy watching Law & Order? :ecouteurs:
  10. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    not if u are learning how to get away with stuff... same reason i enjoy watching COPS :)
  11. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    A good one to watch on how to get away with stuff is 'The First 48' on A&E....
  12. Raise Your Fist

    Raise Your Fist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 11, 2010
    Real anarchists dont own TV sets. Poser. :lmao:
    (Obviously kidding)