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Anarchists under ww2

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by Rebellious twit, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Hello, this question has been nagging me for a while, i was looking for any involvment of the anarchist movement in WW2 i wasn't able to find anything no anti fascist activties or a resistance group against the nazi's or anything like that...what happen to the anarchist movement in WW2 did it die out or what.. or maybe what the anarchists did was outshined by the Soviets and The US, does anybody have any knowledge about this and where i can read any further?

  2. Annie

    Annie Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jun 22, 2013
    it's hard to find anything, that's true, all I have are some vague indications, but no names or historical evidence.
    in germany the FAUD enjoyed some success and raised membership up to 1934, after that the FAUD was declared illegal as any other political organisation outside the nazi-spectrum. many syndicalists were arrested and emigrated after being released again, the anarchist youth part of the "bündische jugend"-youth movement fought street battles against hitler-jugend and SA, only to be arrested and I guess the majority left the country too.
    the "movement" suffered seriously under fascism in italy too, many died in prison or concentration camps, the majority emigrated, some french, italian and germans were dying in spain, fighting for the catalan milicias, some "vanished" or were murdered by the stalinist controlled international brigades or the republican ejerico national.
    if you want names I need some time to search and collect them in a list.

    many refuges from spain were interned by the french authorities after francos victory 1938, only to be captured by the nazis and transfered to concentration camps from 1940 on.
    spanish and french anarchists organized prisoners groups and some resistance in the camps, but they vanished in the enormous mass of displaced persons after the war. I know not much about the spanish literature of these times, but I know there is not much to find in german, french or english literature.

    during the war against soviet russia large groups of partisans & routed soldiers of the red army were building up soon to start fighting the german wehrmacht behind the frontlines. sometimes anarchist groups are mentioned for the ukraine and the eastern parts of belo-russia - it's too bad that large parts of the russian partisan movement were adviced and armed by the stalinist NKWD - I guess they were not really pleased about anarchist comrades, so there are no details or names documented. after the germans were driven of from russian soil the partisans disbanded or joined the red army - again not the best source for documentation.

    small anarchist groups in the USA promoted the lend&lease help for russia, sending weapons and supplies in support of the soviet war efford. these groups were working overtime in habours and factories to send as much help as possible to soviet russia. Woody Guthrie supported them and raised money and attention playing music, he even wrote a song about the female russian sniper ludmilla pavlichenko, she killed over 300 nazi soldiers in combat and visited the US after being seriously wounded.
    but beyond that is a big ???
  3. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Here's a french text i published a few years ago on Resistance, our sister website. It is in french but you can translate it with google. It talks about the anarchist involvement in anti-nazi struggle during WWII
  4. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Well, during the 1940s FAI ( Italian anarchist organisation ) was founded. It didn't have huge impact back then since it had only around 1000 members but it was some kind of beginning of modern anarchism in Italy. I'm not sure if they actaully did something against facism, maybe someone from Italy would know better.

    Here is an interview with one of the most famous Croatian anarchist organization, talking about history of anarchism in Croatia which is not really remarkable. It does mention WW2, however not many information is given.
  5. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 21, 2012
    thank you comrades you have been a great help :D .