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Spanish La Adelita Lyrics and Scattergun Info

Discussion in 'REQUESTS' started by gobbledigook, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. gobbledigook

    gobbledigook Member Forum Member




    Aug 3, 2010
    first request:
    dragging our old band back into life we want to do a skapunk version of the ol' mexican revolution folk song LA ADELITA.
    I think its a good idea to promote the today-connection to the traditions of the international revolutionary movement a bit mor and we want to give credits to women like Angela ‘Angel’ Jiménez and Dolores Jiménez y Muro in history and our local heroines of today.
    we want to keep the song in Spanish, thats where our trouble begins...

    if there are any Spanish lyrics for this song that exceede the popular three verse version, please inform us here - an English translation would be nice...

    second request:
    yesterday I was gifted with two CD's of the german/berlin punk band SCATTERGUN that broke up in 2002.
    their famous female singer Patti Pattex now sings for the german band CUT MY SKIN - but there's hardly any information about band bio for SCATTERGUN to be found - nobody around here has seen them in life or noticed them before.
    their sound is just great and even if they aren't strictly anarchopunk, but at least left-wing, I'm planning to upload them in the "non"-ap section, so any hint for a band bio is welcomed.
    the albums are:
    LE DESTIN from 1995 on the french label Dialektik Records in Nantes
    SICK SOCIETY from 1999 on the german label Nasty Vinyl in hannover

  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Letra de La Adelita :
    En lo alto de una abrupta serranía ....................In the heights of a sudden mountain range
    acampado se encontraba un regimiento....................... a regiment found itself camped
    y una moza que valiente lo seguía...............................with a girl who valiantly followed him
    locamente enamorada del sargento.............................madly in love with the sergeant

    Popular entre la tropa era Adelita,............................popular with the troops was Adelita
    la mujer que el sargento idolatraba...........................the woman the sergeant idolized
    que además de ser valiente era bonita.......................who on top of being brave was beautiful
    que hasta el mismo coronel la respetaba....................that even the colonel respected her

    Y se oía que decía............................................And he was heard to be said
    aquel que tanto la quería....................................he that so loved her.........

    Si Adelita se fuera con otro.................................If Adelita would leave with another
    la seguiría por tierra y por mar,...........................I would follow her by land and by sea
    si por mar en un buque de guerra.........................if by sea in a boat made for war
    si por tierra en un tren militar..............................if by land in a military train

    Si Adelita quisiera ser mi esposa,...........................If Adelita would want to be my wife
    y si Adelita ya fuera mi mujer,..............................And if Adelita was already my woman
    le compraría un vestido de seda..............................I would buy her a dress made of silk
    para llevarla a bailar al cuartel................................to take her to dance at the barracks

    Y después que terminó la cruel batalla.........................And after the end of the cruel battle
    y la tropa regresó a su campamento...........................and the troop returned to the camp
    por la vez de una mujer que sollozaba..................to the time of a woman who was sobbing
    la plegaria se oyó en el campamento.................and a prayer was heard through the camp

    Y al oírla el sargento temeroso..................And as he heard her the sergeant full of fear
    de perder para siempre su adorada .........................of loosing forever his beloved
    escondiendo su dolor bajo el reboso.........................hiding his pain under a shawl
    a su amada le cantó de esta manera........................to his love he sang this way

    Y se oía que decía......................................And it was heard to be said
    aquel que tanto se moría...............................from him that was so dying

    Y si acaso yo muero en la guerra,......................and in case that I die in the war
    y mi cadáver lo van a sepultar,........................and my dead body is going to be buried
    Adelita, por Dios te lo ruego,...........................Adelita, by god I beg of you
    que por mí no vayas a llorar.............................that for me you will not cry

    hope that helps.....