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Facebook against anarchists and antifascists

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by praxedis, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. praxedis

    praxedis Member Forum Member




    Aug 20, 2020
    Male , 34 years old
    Nürnberg, Deutschland  Mexico
    Facebook just announced they are cracking down on anarchists and antifascists

    announcing a new crackdown against “anarchist groups that support violent acts”.

    This crackdown against anarchists comes in the context of the largest uprising against police violence in the United States in a generation. United States President Donald Trump has blamed the African-American mass movement against police violence on “anarchists”, and has made repeated calls for anti-fascist activism to be designated a “terrorist organisation”. The US President, conservative politicians and right-wing media have been howling about the level of opposition to their politics expressed on popular social media platforms.

    Facebook is responding to this political pressure.

    Facebook justifies their crackdown by comparing anarchists and anti-fascists to “US-based militia organizations and QAnon”, and states that anarchists on Facebook “while not directly organizing violence, have celebrated violent acts”.

    Meanwhile Facebook has left posts by the US President that encouraged violence against Black Lives Matter protestors untouched, despite explicit policies against hate speech and calls for violence.

    Pages, groups and personal Facebook accounts associated with US based news platform It’s Going Down, and anarchist publisher Crimethinc have already been deleted (along with musician MC Sole, Truthout writer Chris Steel, and a European news source, Enough is Enough, to name just a few). Facebook’s policy announcement states that they will delete anarchist pages “when they discuss potential violence”, and otherwise limit search results, censor recommendations, restrict newsfeed reach and censor hashtags associated with “these organizations and movements” on Facebook and Instagram.

    Over the past decade anarchists, like all political movements, have become heavily reliant on Facebook to reach people and talk about our ideas. Small websites like Red and Black Notes rarely get any traffic that does not directly originate from a social media post. Widespread censorship on social media will limit our ability to communicate our ideas with an audience beyond our existing circles. And that is exactly what Facebook intends.

    In the short term, Red and Black Notes, like any number of anarchist groups and publications, will be encouraging readers to follow and engage with us on other platforms. But this hardly solves the problem. Facebook is among a handful of big tech companies that have established a veritable stranglehold over what used to be the free internet. Where Facebook leads with this crackdown, other large social media platforms are likely to follow.

    Repression has always confronted anarchists, to a greater or lesser degree. The task before us has always been to find a way to keep organising, keep winning new people to our ideas, and keep up the fight against capital and the state. As we face increasingly widespread censorship online, the challenge will be to return to more traditional organizing methods that are not dependent on the good graces of US tech giants.
    Then we have more reason to kick his ass and throw him in the trash.

    Facebook announce crackdown against anarchists

    Until when we as anarchists and anti capitalists will continue using the services that are part of the established order, censoring friends and social fight partners having alternatives that are not corporate driven?

  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Meanwhile, there are still tons of white supremacists on FB like David Duke who was the Ku Klux Klan leader ... Right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study
    Trump frequently accuses the far-left of inciting violence, yet right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, according to a new study

    However I can't say i'm surprised ... 10 years ago they banned Resistance.tk from facebook and they even blocked the sharing of the website. Anytime somebody mentioned the URL address of the website, an error message popped on facebook saying this link is not allowed. FYI, Resistance.tk is the old name of Libertaire.net which is APN's cousin (also funded by NGNM)
    Resistance est censuré sur facebook
    Facebook attention/ Censure Resistance
  3. praxedis

    praxedis Member Forum Member




    Aug 20, 2020
    Male , 34 years old
    Nürnberg, Deutschland  Mexico
    I agree with you @ungovernable@ungovernable. Can we start using Mastodon and the Fediverse and stop promoting the usage of facebook as Anarcho-Punk.net?
    delirio punk likes this.
  4. delirio punk

    delirio punk Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 10, 2010
    I dont use face book, lets stop using it! ist a trap, the less we use ti the less we depend on it, there are a lot of anarchists that know how to program and use internet freeli, lets unite and boikot that "social" media fake!
  5. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Just got banned 90 days on Facebook because i'm an admin on a page that posted an image against KKK 3 years ago ... This is like the 10th time I get banned for NO FUCKING REASON. I fucking hate Zuckerbook.


    But it would be naive to think we have any impact on promoting facebook just because we have a page for users who are already registered on facebook ... Do you realize that even anarchists websites depend on FB and Google to exist? Look at what happened to Chrimethinc and Itsgoingdown, they lost like half of their traffic after being banned from FB. I'm pretty sure even you guys discovered this website using google. Isolationism is not a viable strategy for a revolution, we need to reach to the masses.
  6. delirio punk

    delirio punk Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 10, 2010
    That is true, but it is also very convenient, no? I mean, we should not isolate from the people that use FB, but we should boikot it like promoting not using it. I understand the issue, I will keep out of FB. Fuck the KKK!
  7. Gaffen

    Gaffen Member Forum Member




    Jun 23, 2020
    England, United Kingdom  United Kingdom
    Yeah, discussion about it going on here as well:
    The recent erasure of anarchist spaces from corporate platforms shows we need a strong anarchist media alliance
    TOTW: No No-Platform | anarchistnews.org

    I think the answer lies somewhere between. We do need to curb our reliance on Facebook and other such platforms, but probably still need to maintain the mycelial network that permeates onto the platform. Bot the focus has to be to draw people away, not toward.

    The web is critically unwell; acessing the entire network through a couple of web content aggregate portals cannot be the future.

    In both of those discussions I open up conversations about webrings 2.0 and other methods of decentralised content aggregation based on affinity groups.

    I think this is a problem that is critically important both to us as anarchists, and to the health of the web as a whole.

    My temptation is to say we need a protocol for p2p/decentralised content aggregation. We need to rely less on algorithms to find content for us.

    Just some thoughts I had.
    delirio punk likes this.
  8. Gaffen

    Gaffen Member Forum Member




    Jun 23, 2020
    England, United Kingdom  United Kingdom
    (Also this is a problem I've been thinking about for years with regard to my band; how do I find new music? How do I gert my music in front of other people? There is no curated source I can find that will both provide what I'm after and expose my music to the kind of people I want to listen to it. This website is a possible exception; but my music is kind of aimed at more than anarchists - it's designed to open a dialogue with people.)

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  6. ungovernable
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  8. delirio punk
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