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Where are all the international punks at?

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Loveless, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Hey guys I'm a weirdo artist who is into doing shit yourself, spending no money, only buying/trading cheap shit, engaging in and with art, and most of all: PEOPLE. What the fuck happened to that? I'm just into actually living my life and having conversations about real shit. Most people don't know how to do that shit anymore, and if you enter into real heavy debate they have a vague sense of injustice but don't really care to delve. People can't tear away from their virtual experiences.

    I'm really goddamn passionate about :antifa: CRUSHING FUCKING SPINELESS SHITTY NEO NAZI FASCIST FUCKS, :anti-nazi: :anti-nazi: and only anarchists really give a shit. People say they care, but they aren't willing to do shit for anyone. No community is as accepting and actually non-judgmental as punks are.

    People are so damn shortsighted they think spitting on the floor or cursing is worse than being a downright shitty person who oppresses others. :ecouteurs: ANYWAY

    :ecouteurs: I'm traveling a lot and always looking for punks to hang with/crash with when I'm abroad. I want to build a strong network of punks/ counter-cultural freaks, DIYers...it sucks when you meet up in a new place people have really dull ideas about what to do, always, ALWAYS,: The mall/staring at a landmark/$~200 dinner I could have bought a meal for 12 with/things they read in a guidebook they were supposed to enjoy because they forgot how to live their own lives.

    Into jazz, too :ecouteurs: (FIGHT ME. LOL), good shows, good people, sitting on a couch talking about life. Chilling out, baking cakes, eating on the street, hitting bookshops and fondlin' records.
    Mostly I just want to meet people who care about something, you really do learn shit from everyone and going on a freaky adventure is the best way to bond. I also love frosty chocolate milkshakes....mmmm

    Anyone out there? I wanna meet some punks in Europe and get into it. Where's everyone from?

  2. KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings

    KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings Member Forum Member




    Mar 4, 2016
    Awesome post, mate!

    I find myself thinking a lot of the same things from time to time. Except maybe concerning jazz music: that shit (still) goes waaay over my head ^_^
    So, what kind of art are you into, if I may ask?

    Greetings from Scandinavia.
  3. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Jaj!! I regret mentioning Jazz :lmao: I enjoy jazz more often than anything else but not above all.Mostly I'm in a jazz mood because i'm a chilled out person. (Half the time)

    What I should of said is I listen to all music but it depends on the mood. I subscribe to more of a punk ethos 24/7 but don't listen to music as often. To me punk is an attitude and allowing yourself to be angry and fight for what you think is right. Yesterday it was all Violent Femmes just because. Punk is great music to be pissed off to and right now is a GOOD FUCKING TIME TO BE ANGRY. So punk is God.
    I find lots of punks actually crossover with classic/al music people. My (twin) brother's a big metal head but he loves classical music just as much...now THAT goes way over my head haha. That's how a lot of our friends are, too. Maybe that's just us???

    I'm an abstract artist (*MORE BOOS ALL AROUND* :ecouteurs:) when I paint but I really dig doing portraits of people, either with my camera or whatever I have on hand. You could say that when I'm alone doing art it's abstract but when I'm with someone I'm painting/capturing them.
    Are you an artist/into art? Tell me what art you're into!

    I'm also into sculpting. Why don't we have the eternal busts of our Anarchist, punk, and metal Gods? Ozzys not long for this Earth!! :o

    Hey Scandanavia \m/
  4. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Not to get too scholarly here but I read a study of people who are into metal (because punk wouldn't even be a category in the study) and that the same people are into classical music(and vice versa). Everyone was flipping their shit when it came out as if metalheads were like retarded invalid freaks and anyone who listens to Classical was a walking episode of Frasier.

    (Looked at the study again: It actually said that our brains are wired the same and the 2 share the same personality...hah! Interesting.)
  5. KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings

    KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings Member Forum Member




    Mar 4, 2016
    Btw, apropos fascism: fuck that shit, and all the people hailing it, we cannot get that on record enough!

    So, it's funny 'cause you are about to meet one that fits the bill on that whole punk+classical music: I live for punk (mainly anarcho+crust+hardcore) and classical music equally. Dunno if there's something particularly cerebral to it; I think it has to do with your personality as well, not to mention your specific mood vis a vis what you said about you listening to jazz.
    Actually, it probably wouldn't hurt me utterly to reach out to my old man and have him throw some dang jazz in my face. Who knows - maybe some of it sticks or whatever..

    But yeah, I, myself, don't dismiss any genre as such.. well, Schlager-music and Eurovision are no favorites of mine, and probably never will be. Not enough reason to bash heads in, I'll give you that. But I am not amused, if I get close to that sort of music.

    Overall, I am certainly arrogant enough to admit that I'm pretentious enough to idolize abstract art. :lmao:
    But seriously, I truly believe that art in any form is suffering under the social, economic and cultural gaps practically every society faces.. And I resent that shit, because it structurally excludes certain people from inimitable beauty.

    Of course, I have preferences, but hell, I don't discriminate. Obviously, there are limits to the whole debacle of art: It is not an excuse for expressing anything under the sun without repercussions...

    I think we should embrace and develop the brilliant ideas of people looong before we start reproducing their physical attributes in brass and copper :thumbsup: But maybe that's just me - personal cultism is not my deal at all. \m/

    Hey you!
  6. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Hahah oh shit I'm turning someone!! :lmao: I bet that's the case with alotta people on here but they aren't willing to take their violins out of the closet, so to speak. :ecouteurs: That's cool what kind of classics you into? I can get don't with some Liszt and like three operas but I literally can't decipher any of those songs in my head so they're all like one long one? I really don't have an ear for it! Carmina Burana's pretty metal tho

    My brother and I have this theory that it's because of the musicality and scales used, and that both require a developed ear for different tones and lots of technical skill. The study mentioned sensitivity so I'm sure these are two groups that love music more than others.

    In terms of heavier stuff I go more in for what they (unfortunately) call "technical metal" which sounds awful but is highly technical/fast playing. This song never gets old. [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3tqsmWEA88[/video] That whole album is perfection.

    Crust is good! I like classic stuff mostly (in every genre too); The Clash and the Dead Kennedys are a definite fav. I don't follow the "kids" these days and the new music. I feel like among anarcho-punks they look down on the classic punks (classicists?) a bit but I'll go to any punk show tonight and fight any fucking fascist who wants to so there's nothing more to it IMO. :anti-nazi: :antifa: :antifa: :antifa:

    Yeah...you know what I hate? Shit music. Most pop is shite and good music is good music. Also nothin beats a punk show and that's a fact. :thumbsup:

    Haha, what kind of art you lookin at?? lol Art is just art. I agree bout accessibility but that's the bitchin thing about it, anyone can do it. Anyone can be good. Same as music it's for everyone. Anyway it's a way of life similar to punk.

    Hahah busts aren't made of copper, they're made of clay & stone ;) You should know that: [​IMG]

    Nothing wrong with effigies as long as they're <lifesize and legless.
  7. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Forgot to sign off with,

    Hi me!! :D

    (no longer clever :ecouteurs:)
  8. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa

    As for punks who like classical music, there's a thread on that somewhwere on this site. Not sure how common that "phenomenon" is but sure some punks do like it. Metal seems to be pretty popular among punks, besides punk of course (and maybe oi!), especially the thrash, death or black variety (some thrash metal bands even have very good lyrical content which I'm sure you're aware of - Sodom, Kreator, Sepultura are just some of the more well-known bands that come to mind right now)... and it's not surprising that many metalheads also enjoy listening to punk. Whereas punks who listen to nothing other than punk seems to be the most uncommon.

    lol, yeah, and headless in some cases :D
  9. KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings

    KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings Member Forum Member




    Mar 4, 2016
    Yeah, I do see a lot of overlap in the punk and metal genre for sure! Moreover, a lot of metal and punk bands incorporate elements from each other.

    Effigies per se, no. However, it rarely stops there (not an incentive to oppose in itself!), especially if the production is religiously/ideologically based. And fyi, master of dancing alien :lmao:, a bust can be made from a lot of different materials - although not a lot simultaneously, I admit. And just because you're smashing Beethoven in my face, and he happens to be made of some sort of clay/stone, Let's remember that black swans actually exist! :D

    Well, I suppose I dig the pop-pendant of classical music such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, and Vivaldi. But I also enjoy Stravinsky, Tjaikovskij, Brahms, Schubert, Schumann etc. I'm mostly into symphonies and piano concertos, but yeah - open for anything. I have no ulterior motive in name-dropping like that, but connecting music with the artist/composer comes quite easy to me. Oh yeah, and if you like John Williams, you should take a look at Dvorak :D (not that I am a major fan of JW myself)

    Well, if you're talking about the kids, who are roughly 25-35 of age, then I try follow them myself (but perhaps I'm a kid compared to you, who knows :ecouteurs:) . Where I'm from, doom and death has mushroomed in the past few years, and I crave hc and anarcho in particular. At the moment I'm trying to do something about that shit hands on! You play music?

    It's true, art is a discipline, which is bullshit. Just like we're disciplined to like certain types of art (my point in the last post)... Break out and have fun - and fuck up the forces holding you down!
  10. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Hey you! The Aliens back!! & I think I more than make up for it w/ my way-too-damn-long forum post!! XD

    Definitely on the incorporation bit!!
    Glad to know there are a lot of crossover listeners in the community! I agree i think if any group is most open music-wise it'd be this one.

    haha yeah but it's not the common form
    lol dude but i'm not a metalsmith, I'm just a mere mortal!! Anyway I don't like those. :S too much work and money for me. also how'm i supposed to lift that thing? FTS

    I'm no plebeian, I can tell Rachmaninoff from Bach! I can differentiate all those dudes but their songs all become like one long one, the names of songs don't stick i definitely don't have an ear for it. Close as I get to classical (piano) is Bill Evans, but he's pure jazz gold so it doesn't really count?? I can tell all of those songs apart probably because I have most jazz standards memorized...essentially all mozart/beethoven/etc all become One Long Medley_by_Insert_Artist, like Vivaldi, except not tedious as fuck.

    nah lol i'm not old i'm just anachronistic and misanthropic, a bit. I think it's normal to hate young idiots, even if you're young??! No?? I actually work with kids a lot and they're much smarter than most adults who lose all their innate knowledge, not to mention sense of justice. I would consider mid30's+ a fairly old punk already :lmao:

    John williams is just a name to me, i'm not inta' movie composers unless their last name is Glass or they used to be a part of oingo boingo !! :p

    How'm I getting so much hate for busts?? No one does them anymore and they are goddamn bitching I don't care what you fuckers say :finger: (Where did that old fuck you emoji go?) anyway y'all are assuming i'm sculpting personal Gods. No Gods, No fucking Masters!! But people's faces are beautiful. And if you were blind you'd never know what most of these people look like/experience my art...ableism motherfuckers, you're only thinking with one sense. I like art you can touch & some people die and are never remembered or seen again. (Maybe not anymore) This is what painting does just 3d. Yeah, I do get to decide who's important. That would be my job. I can pick the garbage man because I have all the fucking power. :ecouteurs:

    I can get down with those too, remember I'm an abstract artist so. ;)
    Thats a bad example (and HUGE wtf?) but the sweet actually headless masterpiece would just be wasted on you plebs!! :lmao:

    lol, speaking of dead guys no one remembers of course you only like the pop from 300 years ago...if it wasn't pop then it'd already be dead & gone! Maybe if someone had sculpted the busts of some of those overlooked composers.... :ecouteurs:
  11. Loveless

    Loveless Member New Member




    Mar 14, 2017
     United States
    Aaaand...I didn't even respond to your full post. FFS

    I do NOT play music, unfortunately. I have the hands (EXTREMELY long what everyone calls "piano fingers" ?) and the rhythm, but just like art, it's a discipline and I have none. That's why art suits me so well! :D
    If I were to do anything it'd be singing. I used to scream (just naturally, like demonically at friends and enemies) and had a partner who was the lead singer/screamer in a band. Never came to pass though.

    Also usually people did that from childhood and I was always too damn poor so none of that. instruments? Lessons?? You're joking! (OK, yeah, now I see where I can sound like an octogenarian who lived through the Depression, haha!) What do you play?

    I think we're definitely programed to NOT like certain art, like abstract art. I took a friend to see a Rothko exhibit and he was so pissed off he wanted to punch the wall :lmao: I think our preferences especially in terms of art reflect us. Just like musical tastes....so many similarities, eh??

    Hi Scandinavia!!
  12. KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings

    KnucklesAreIdlePlaythings Member Forum Member




    Mar 4, 2016
    :ecouteurs: Shit, I'm back at the wheel. Terrible of me to be away this long - oh well, nevertheless, I foresee some kind of survival of life throughout the universe based on my temporary absence. Let's hope I'm right.

    Alright, about the whole bust-problematique; I don't know wtf is the common material to produce a bust from, in I merely had the intention of reflecting my opinion that busts can be made of other materials than clay/stone. No question It's more expensive to use metals... They can be quite beautiful though. Furthermore, I, for my part, am not assuming that you are (re)producing gods etc., and don't give me shit about ableism and lol-talk about perpetuating unknown human beings, as if I am against that, when I'm not :ecouteurs: . You casually (most likely jokingly!) mentioned creating busts of old anarchists etc., and I merely responded to that. Nothing more to it. :thumbsup:
    And also, it doesn't take a bust for something to be remembered. It just makes it slightly more difficult to forget \m/

    Mate, if your both anachronistic and misanthropic, then you're old in some kind of way! :p No offence (of course). I am not too old myself, even though I (also) have attributes that call for some kind of discrepancy between my existence in mere years, and then my whole mental state substantiating my age as well in some ontological and epistemological way. I think I'm in that stage of life where I've found out that stupidity doesn't discriminate. Kids are kids, they're outside this analysis.. But 25, 35, 45, 55 year-old people.. Stupidity springs up arbitrarily like I don't know, even though its purpose, form etc. differs.

    Okay, acting the part of music:
    I can handle a set of instruments - some more skilfully than others. I also sing, always have, probably always will in one way or another. Haven't had lessons for learning those instruments, though. I sat myself down, taught myself supported by the internet. That's discipline, I agree, although that's not the kind of discipline I am talking about, when I mentioned in a previous post in regards to art; there, it was along the lines of control etc. in that art is a tool of oppression.

    Over and out from Scandinavia.
    Chew on that, fckr.