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Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by Rebellious twit, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    so this comes to my mind alot and i see this as one of the greatest political activist things to do and it's easy

    though i also see a little critque on it...

    i boycot the usual stuff:Coca Cola and Mc donalds and nestle all of the other multinational coopertations that should not be named......(inside joke lol)
    but something also come to my mind you can't boycot everything, and multinational companies are everywhere...

    i find it hard to keep track of the multinational companies and some of the stuff that i usually consume(beverages and food) like basic stuff...

    like clothes i usually don't buy new clothes and i like to look in a thrift store or something, but that doesn't come to shoes...i got a pair of doctor martens shoes and a levis denim jacket which is now really old i brought for a few years ago

    and food for example: i am a meat eater and i love eating meat though, i also love animal welfare but my family buys meat from other nearby countries

    what do you boycot and what is your opinion on boycotting?

  2. peaceful warrior

    peaceful warrior New Member New Member




    May 2, 2011
    I try to boycott, like you, all multinational stuff, and also animal products (i'm vegan), and for the base products I try hard to find small producers and responsible companies. I also have a lot of "old" stuff that obviously don't waste, coming from multinationals and people or animal exploitation, but, you know, the damage is done...
    I'm not really in protest and squat business, and thah's mostly cause my land is low populated and is hard to find real protesters or squatters that are not willing to let their guard down against capitalism for a bottle of coke or for drugs. Ther are lots and lots of fake rebels and actors that doesn't have an ideal, and I think it's not only unworking, but also detrimental for the movement to waste time with those assholes. So for me boycotting and informing are the ultimate and most working ways to fight the system.
  3. dr.. dee

    dr.. dee Member New Member




    Jul 7, 2013
    best way to do something about consumerism and multinationals - buy as little as possible, if you can do it despite your job, family and so on, buy secondhand, repair your stuff or have it repaired by experts.
    there are absolute nononos, the ones you mentioned as the ones that should not be named, the actual scandal companies too - but i agree, the net of cahoos, partnerships, open and covered subsidiary firms - you could waste ages reseaching the connections and cross connections, again: buy as little as possible.
    i get my fruit and veggies from a street trader, he has a weekly schedule and even waits for me when i don't show up at the right time - good for me, good for him and some of my neighbors already tuned in.
  4. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    It is hard to be non consumer in this cash and carry civilization, but giving a fuck is nice way of abolishing big business.Informing yourself and others around you is very important.I m vegan(but my family is not) and we trying to be self sufficient as much as possible.About 90 percent of vegetables we grow ourself, in next few years i will try to install solar panels on my rooftop with DIY ethics(money is problem)with help from my friends(each of them is good at something like electricity,building,carpenter)my warderobe is mostly second hand and most things that i buy are from small producers.
    I think that i have changed some things with my friends concerning consumerism by informing them about those greedy fuckers and what they do
  5. Rosetta Stoned2

    Rosetta Stoned2 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 16, 2011
    I boycott a lot of anti-gay corporations. Chick fil a, Carl's Jr, Walmart. Also large corporations Coca-Cola, McDonalds, also anything Disney(I've always had a problem with them since I was a child). I drink soda, I love soda, so I only buy Pepsi products. Some things I buy are kind of contradictory to my beliefs. But I think it's the effort I put in and the few/many corporations I don't support that matters. :S
  6. Grizzly The Unamed Sharp

    Grizzly The Unamed Sharp Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 11, 2013
    Walmart? I don't buy shit from there anyway, but I'm very intrigued to know where you got this info on them being anti-gay, heavy worded articles would be great, I need a good read :lmao:
  7. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Sorry it is really off topic but I was wondering in which city do you live ? I was planning on installing solar panels myself but I wasn't sure if it would pay off, howerer I've seen a lot of building with solar panels on the Croatian seaside. You think it is worth it ? I know that it is definitelly worth installing them in Sahara, but not sure about Balkan :p
  8. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    people have those everywhere. even norway. its worth it in summer (;
  9. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    I m from S.Brod and just like ncplw said you can install it mostly anywhere.Solar panels do not need only sun, they can accumulate power even if it is day(daylight)but more sun more juice(power)and your rooftop need to be facing south because in afternoon hours sun is shining at its maximum power and thus accumulating more electricity.

    Here is some DIY guide(croatian)
    http://www.google.hr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=k ... VKHPW5PEIA
  10. traqn dimitrov

    traqn dimitrov Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 7, 2013
    Well stegs my opinion is that unless you make a hole fucking country boycott something I don't see how you hurt them and you not drinking coke products for example doesn't bother the company at all . Bare in mind however that most of the food and related shit is very often actual shit so keeping clear from it is a health benefit.
  11. RememberGlencoe

    RememberGlencoe Experienced Member Active Member




    May 12, 2014
    For want of nail....
    Even if one person not buying a coke won't make a difference, 2,000 people telling themselves that does make a difference and not in a good way. If you take a stand, and tell others why you make that stand, your chances of making something happen are far better. Word of mouth, social media, any way you can spread the word; use it.