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Cultural Imperialism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by ILuvEire, May 8, 2010.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    And again another proof that you ignore my posts, you answer to others while totally ignoring my posts. And a couple of minutes ago you were pretenting you never did that
  2. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    I wonder if NGNM85 has The Exploited cranked up loud and is jerking off to "Sex and Violence" because he sounds like he has the same (lack of?) intellect as Wattie Buchan....makes as much bloody sense as that useless prick as well.
  3. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009
    Women can go outside uncovered and unattended in the US, wow! thats amazing! If it wasn't for the fucking US funding, arming and training the Mujaheddin maybe women in Afghanistan would be able to do the same! Instead, they got the taste of the wonders of what 'civilised' CIA training looks like when they had acid thrown in their faces. Wow, aren't we so fucking civilised!

    Thank the lil' Lord Jesus now though! We are tackling those lil brutish arab bastards one limb at a time! And the ppl of Iraq and Afghanistan are OVER THE MOON about it!!
    Oh, thank you, you civilised Western superiors! How you have come into our life and made it so much better!!!!
  4. AnarchoFem

    AnarchoFem Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 15, 2010
    I agree with you butcher, Western society is not fucking civilised....that picture is so saddening.
  5. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    Messy picture indeed and definately not the first of its kind that I have seen before unfortunately.
  6. NGNM85

    NGNM85 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009
    I wouldn't call it amazing, but I think most women would find it preferable. I fully acknowledge that our society is far from perfect, I've posted a substantial amount of material on how it should be changed. However, it's simply blind to completely deny it has any redeeming features. A strong secular culture, secular governments (With exceptions, like the UK.) modern technology and science, modern education, we have legal rights, we can criticize the existing system. (And we ought to.) All I'm saying is that progress HAS occurred. In general, all else being equal, people are better off in the west than anywhere else in the world, and all else being equal, better than was possible a hundred years ago, and a hundred years before that. When we look at places like Sudan, or Afghanistan, or wherever. I think we would want them to have modern medicine, computers, infrastructure, etc. I think they would want to have those things. I think we can do a lot better than we are right now, a LOT better. However, I'd rather be comparatively poor in the suburbs around Boston, than in Waziristan. (Incidentally, I also fully acknowledge that a substantial amount of poverty in the third world is the direct result of unfair trade policies and exploitation by more modernized countries.)

    The integration of different countries is, in principle, a good thing. However some of the methods by which this is happening, like what's called "globalization", is bad. However that's not the only means, and there are certainly other means. The only way, the only way we are ever going to break out of this modality of warring nation states which will ultimately result in human extinction. That's not being dramatic, it has nearly led to the end of the human race before, and will do so again, if we don't change. The only alternative to this is to become part of a global community. To move beyond this infantile, archaic modality of being members of competing teams, but as part of the community of the human race. It will be one world or no world. In the age of global warming, nuclear weapons, etc., there is no other possibility for survival. It wil also be necessary to divest ourselves of religion, as well as the sort of corporate communism that's being called the 'free market.'

    In some ways this process has already begun, through various processes. Technology has been a major driving force, making the world an ever smaller place. It's also a marvelous tool for livberation, among other things. Even in China most of the citizens can get past the firewalls and restrictions and communicate with the outside world, it has made it infinitely harder to control information. Right now for example groups are posting videos of the brutality going on in Thailand on the web and it's being distributed by human rights actvists and journalists so we can see the repression.
    Along with this integration, automatically will come a gestalt culture. It's unavoidable. It's already happening. What I'm suggesting is simply rather than focus entirely on the negative aspects, that we momentarily consider the positive implications of a more integrated world.

    Don't be ridiculous. That's not even remotely close to what I was saying. I have no shortage of criticisms of US foreign policy and fully acknowledge it is both the most dangerous rogue state, and the largest supporter of international terrorism. I don't dispute that.
  7. OiBoy81

    OiBoy81 Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 31, 2011