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German Extrem - Mickeyman - Split LP - 1983 (Austria)

Discussion in 'International anarcho-punk downloads' started by Spike one of many, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa


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    Track List:

    01. Minister For Ganja
    02. Sid Vicious - Murder
    03. I Don't Care

    04. Pressform
    05. Scheiss - System
    06. Desertieren
    07. Hoffnungslos
    08. Vorheilen Ist Besser Als Beugen
    09. Ich Bin Gott
    10. Extrem
    11. Fress'n, Saufen, Scheissen, Prunz'n

    The first release of this ultra-rare original Austrian pressing from 1983 shows the debut of two bands from Vienna. Now an extremely cool song from an extremely cool band: "Fress'n, Sauf'n, Scheiss'n, Prunz'n" is the ultimate rejection to the Austrian philistines with their 40-hour week, the obligatory television evening after work and the drunkexcesses around the corner. Austria needs to burn, all right? EXTREM founded already in the summer of 1979 in Vienna and went through a short time with some line-up changes, and Mickey Kodak, alias MICKEYMAN took them and recorded a split LP on their label Rebel. Recorded in July 1983 in the Gaga, the result was probably the harshest and toughest punkrock publication, which had until then spit the steak paradise to light. Oaschloch-Rhetoric in crude Viennese, jagged hardcore punk guitars and drums beating high-speed at the door to madness and say Serwas! I'm ahead of my time..' MICKEYMAN took her with them and recorded a split LP on his label Rebel. The American punk Magazine "Maximum Rock-N-Roll" reviews: The Extrem side is extreme! Raucous cycloning mayhem from Austria, enough driving power and insistent quickness to hurl you into a venture mega-speed craziness. Savage guitar grinds charge out a brutal slaughter of aggression and combustion, crammed into a wild seizure of raw energy. Extrem escalate with each zooming slice. Mickeyman is Austrian reggae done well, and their punk song is basic and humorous. Don't miss this album! - the Extrem stuff is drastic plastic. - Pushead (from Maximum Rocknroll #14, June 1984) - No wonder he invited them to contribute a song to his now legendary Cleanse The Bacteria compilation in 1985 and this was the first time that an Austrian punk band was released in the U.S. Here's their last EP from 1987 and in 1991 they changed their band name in EAT LEAD and disbanded at the end of the year, finally!

    - Special Thanks to Reinhard -



    Jetzt Oder Nie 83-84
    Release Date : 2008

    Tracks 1-10 recorded at Gaga 6/1983 Tracks 11-23 recorded in Inzersdorf 22.7.1984 Tracks 1-8 previously released as [url=http://www.discogs.com/Mickeyman-Extrem-Split-LP/release/2726880]Extrem/Mickeyman Split LP[/url] 1983. Tracks 1-8 and 10-23 previously released as [url=http://www.discogs.com/Extrem-Vorheilen-Ist-Besser-Als-Beugen-LP-Demos-84/release/2491312]Vorheilen ist besser als Beugen Tape

    Extrem Biography

    Hardcore punk band from Vienna, Austria. Formed in 1979 - disbanded in 1991 -reformed 2019

    Band members: Helmut Heiland, Dierk Rossiwall, Peter Zinner
    Band ex-members: , Erwin Nimmervoll, Mike (51), Claudio Delise, Daniela Delise

    Extrem was an Austrian hardcore punk band from the early 80's. They Released a split 7'' with Mickeyman and a 7'' EP. They are featured in some compilations including the famous 'Cleanse The Bacteria' comp.
    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - New Prejudice a2o Records

    Owned by Andreas Höhn


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