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SxE, Vegetarianism, Veganism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Outlaw_(A)_Punk, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. Link K2B

    Link K2B Experienced Member Experienced member




    Oct 27, 2009
    I'm not Edge though I don't drink or do any drugs, as it happens.

    I used to do a shitload of drink and drugs and it became a huge crutch til my entire persona was based around it. I gave it up because this was obviously a bad thing as well as some rather pressing health concerns at the time. When I gave it up, I found it really surprising how unsupportive people and understood why Edgers feel the need to band together, though I never did so myself. I didn't give up one crutch to run into another yknow.

    I went from a meat eater my whole life to vegan once when I was about 16. I've never had much compassion for animals, mostly because I don't know any and I did previously rather enjoy eating them, so it was mostly for envirnonmental reasons. I was a very poor vegan though and it lasted for about 9 months and I started eatin meat again and have ever since.

    I do think vegetarianism is actually the RIGHT thing to do (and veganism if you consider the way dairy products are farmed) but I've never brought myself to do it again. It's gluttonous and selfish of me and I don't offer any defence for it as I recognise it to be wrong from my own idelogical outlook but from my physical perspective, it feels very right.
  2. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
    I smoke too much weed for any normal man.
    I eat whatever i can get, whenever i can get it
    Im strongly opposed to hard drugs
  3. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    I used to be the same, then fell in with the good kind of wrong crowd (they're good mates, but use the shit nonetheless) and after declining their offers for a long time I decided to give it a shot... and another... from one line came another and so on and so forth. But this weekend I suddenly noticed how much I'm alienating people I like while I'm on the shit, so it might be a good idea not to get another gram... ever.
  4. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009
    <3 <3 :rock:

    Man.. i would marry you just so i can move there!!

    I smoke marijuana a lot. Thats about it, i dont use any hard drugs (not that i havent) and i dont even drink much except for a cider here and there but mainly marijuana.

    My girlfriend and I want to move to a state here in the US where we can be prescribed medical marijuana because that is the ONLY thing that helps her with her back pain. She has tremendous pain and the meds she takes for it (Lyrica, Ambien for sleep) whatever, dont help at all. But when we smoke a joint or 2 she can fall asleep and stay asleep (the back pain keeps her up). And marijuana isnt a drug its an herb and it grows naturally so why the fuck should it be illegal? Another stupid law in the united states. :@
  5. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Actually you can even have up to 5 plants here. Basically the marihuana plant is nothing more than the male version of hemp. You're allowed to buy up to 5 grams a day in the coffeeshops where I live. Hell I'd invite everyone over if I'd lived on my own (being unemployed with no degrees or much experience doesn't help when you're trying to move out of your parents' place and there's nothing around here to squat).
  6. NGNM85

    NGNM85 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009

    To my knowledge California would be your best bet. Although, we're making strides here in Massachusetts. Thankls to a campaign I participated in, we got a proposition to decriminalize Marijuana on the ballot and it passed with considerable support. Oh wait,... I guess I wasn't supposed to vote for that because the morons said so, oh well.

    While the Obama administration hasn't made any moves towards legalization, they recently announced the feds won't seek to arrest anyone who's complying with state law. That was the fucked up thing in California, you had licensed sellers who paid their taxes and complied fully with state law, and one day the feds randomly bust in and shut them down because federal law trumps state laws. (In a lot of cases, at least.) So, at least for this administration, thats' not going to happen.

    Well, thats' a good question. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned hemp fields. (Although, it was cultivated for practical, rather than psychotropic uses.) The first law, passed regarding cannabis, in Virginia 1619, required everyone to grow it. In several states it was actually used as currency. It was used as a medicine and for a number of other purposes, until just after the Mexican revolution of 1910. This sent Mexicans fleeing into the South (Part of which we stole from them, anyhow.) which aggravated the racism that pervaded in the region. (The Klan would reach it's peak 8 years later.) They brought with them a preferred intoxicant. Almost immediately myths of Mexicans smoking weed and becoming super strong, homicidal, and lusting after white women, and various Southern states started outlawing it. The same arguments were rolled out with regard to African Americans as pot became popular in the Jazz/Blues scene. However, cannabis didn't become the bane of western civilization until the 30's. Thats' when a vulgar little man named Harry Anslinger launched a huge media campaign touting Marijuana as the root of all evil. He was like the Joe McCarthy of pot. (Although, Anslinger came first.) This campaign was funded by the Hearst dynasty which had a substantial financial interest in making sure the hemp industry didn't come back to life. Anslinger was eventually named Commissioner of Narcotics, and after initiating a misinformation campaign (That still exist today, in a fashion.) against cannabis, which has been purported, at one time or another, to cause homicidal behavior, psychosis, sexual deviancy, satanism, homosexuality, and communism, over the years. Of course theres' overwhelming evidence that cannabis is one of the safest substances in the pharmacopia, the federal studies came to the same conclusion. So, in summation, cannabis is illegal because of racism, corporate greed, and political oppertunism.
  7. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
    Dont quote me on this, but my friend went to Nevada and said you can have up to an eighth of weed on you. legally
  8. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009
    The UK War on Drugs CZAR was just fired for stating that LSD, Marijuana and Ecstasy have less harmful effects than Alcohol.

    He said in his rebuttal to being fired that he didnt want to like to the public. Anyone from the UK on here knows about this. I thought it was funny.
  9. oneleggedpunk

    oneleggedpunk Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 4, 2009
    It was one of the head drugs advisers to the goverment, the goverment employed him for his expert advice and when that was not what the goverment wanted to hear they sacked him. Also 2 other advisers have also quit their jobs in protest and there could be more resignations over it.
  10. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    While yes it is fairly easy to get legalized weed in california (i have had several friends who had prescriptions) I highly recommend AGAINST moving TO California. In fact I wish I could afford to move out of here. It is way to expensive to live here, the people are very superficial, more so then in other places I've visited, and the education system here is total shit, due mostly to illegal immigration. In fact, if u were to come here, coming as an illegal immigrant would give you probably a better advantage then those who live here properly. I am sure the issue of illegal immigration is more or less a non-issue to most anarchists (i imagine most think go where u want, however u want, etc.), it is really destroying this state. anyhow I want to start a debate on that, or get further off topic... If u want to move to the usa to get medical pot, look into Oregon, a much nicer place to live :)

    -the anxietist
  11. thoreau_me_a_bone

    thoreau_me_a_bone Experienced Member Experienced member




    Oct 29, 2009
    I think that animal liberation is a huge factor in human liberation. If we can't even learn to treat "lower" animals humanely, what hope do we have for humans? But as far as sXe goes, I think abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes is good on an anti tax level, but I personally get high off random things at random times and don't believe it contradicts my situation.
  12. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    I hate that term "fanatical" and "extreme" when it comes to vegans. Its only extreme to someone who doesnt care about the mass destruction of animals (and dont forget how capitalism thrives on the animal "industries", be that meat and dairy or vivisection).
    Why do you ASSUME that a "fanatical" vegan doesnt care about other issues?
  13. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Your friends werent serious about being vegetarian or vegan. You do not have to take supplements, you just need to eat proper food, not some decaying flesh.
  14. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Yeah, fair play to you, i wand to kill NGNM85 for his/her blatant blind acceptance!
  15. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    But youre making the wrong assumption that vegans cannot live off the land, in the wild, when they clearly can.
    But, i agree, someone living in the wilderness, taking nothing from industrialized culture, is doing far less damage than the vegan who lives in the city.
  16. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Yes, zoos do work to preserve rare and endangered species, just to be kept in the zoos for humans to gawp at. Many of these species you talk about cannot be re-introduced to their natural habitat, they would not survive, as their basic survival instincts have been lost.
    The only reason endangered species are "preserved" is for humans own satisfaction, s othey can still see them, albeit, in cages.
    Zoos have no role in animal rights/liberation/welfare.
  17. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Why are you on anarcho-punk forums?
    You seem to be a very confused person.
  18. seitan

    seitan Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Dude, if you eat fish (flesh) you are NOT vegetarian.
    Good luck in cutting out fish and becoming vegetarian :)
  19. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    actually that is just your opinion. the term for that is OVO-Vegetarian... Though I actually agree with you that fish ARE meat... how could they not be considered as such? They are creatures who live and breathe are they not?

    -the anxietist
  20. singerminger

    singerminger Member Forum Member




    Oct 10, 2009
    i thought is was pescetarian... ovo-vegetarian is one who eats eggs, but no flesh (including no fish) isn't it? ah... labels labels...
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